Deputies return 500 million pesos to the Electoral Tribunal; They cut them from the Judiciary – El Sol de México

The Morena, PT and Green Party bench in the Chamber of Deputies restored 500 million pesos of the 767 million that it cut to the budget for 2024 of the electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF)However, said sum was cut to the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF).

After the president of TEPJF, Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón, warned that the cut would affect the institutional capacity of the autonomous body to face the 2024 electionthe largest in the recent history of Mexico, the Morenistas backed down and left the cut at 267 million pesos.

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Deputy Reginaldo Sandovalof the Labor Party, presented the reservation to adjust the cut, as he said that in the Budget and Public Accounts Commission, and later in the Plenary Session, the Court was assigned “a budget as if it were a normal year” and the 2024 being an election year “We need to strengthen this institution so that it can carry out its task.”

With the adjustment, the TEPJF budget for 2024 remains at 3 thousand 622 million 833 thousand 452 pesos and that of the Judiciary Council at 68,917 million 261,195 pesos, 5,875 million pesos less than what it requested in its budget.

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