Deputy Cynthia López drops out of the race for CDMX to support Rubalcava – El Sol de México

The PRI deputy Cynthia Lopez Castro she gave up her aspiration to be head of government to support her partner, Adrián Rubalcava.

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“I join my party’s decision to run for the PRI Adrian Rubalcava. I join because in the PRI we are professional politicians because there is unity,” he said.

From the monument to the Revolution, she highlighted that she has been in politics for 20 years and is convinced that we must join together and support to win Mexico City in unity.

“I’m not like Ebrard who took three months to join his party, in the PRI we are professional politicians, we use unity and winning,” he added.

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In the morning Adrian Rubalcava He stated that the PRI is an example of unity to achieve electoral victories in the country’s capital and said that “he who does not want to see it, is guilty of pride.”

The candidate warned that it would be a mistake if the National Action Party (PAN) intends to generate an imposition. “We need the three political parties (PRI, PRD and PAN) to come out together because the failure of any of them would undoubtedly be a tragedy for the city,” he stated.

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Rubalcava added that although the alliance is not broken, the main actors in this process could withdraw and generate a major disaster. He will register this afternoon at the PRI’s national headquarters as a candidate for the Va por la CDMX alliance.

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