Dialogues for Democracy – El Sol de México

By José Medina Mora / National President of Coparmex

The electoral process represents a crucial moment for the democratic development of our country. The fact that we get involved, dialogue and inform ourselves can be decisive in consolidating legitimate, reliable elections with great participation.

For this reason, from Coparmex, as part of our “I participate, I vote and I demand” initiative to promote participation in different stages of the electoral process, we have organized the “Dialogues for Democracy”.

The “Dialogues for Democracy” seek to establish an open and respectful conversation between the Coparmex community and the candidates and the candidate to govern our country for the next six years. Now that we are in the midst of an electoral campaign, it is essential to know the vision that each of the candidates have, as well as the diagnoses and proposals they have before them, which we feel as citizens, are the main social problems.

Security, education, health, have to be in the conversation in these elections and these Dialogues are a space to talk, listen and propose.

As a business organization, we have worked for several years on a diagnosis and a proposal for an Inclusive Development Model that has allowed us to chart a route towards a country with a better future: with economic development balanced with social and sustainable development, adding efforts and commitments from each of the sectors.

As a result of the Model, during the current electoral process we promoted the signing of the Agreement for a Mexico with Inclusive Development, which includes commitments to strengthen the guarantee of rights and freedoms, the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, public security, education, the fight against corruption, making public services more efficient, attracting investments by guaranteeing legal certainty and environmental protection, among others.

During the Dialogues we invite the candidates to join this Agreement and work, if elected, together with the private sector to make it a reality.

So far, two of the candidates for the Presidency have participated in the “Dialogues for Democracy”, Xóchitl Gálvez, from the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition and Jorge Álvarez Máynez, from the Citizen Movement party, and both joined the Agreement for a Mexico with Inclusive Development, convinced that it is possible to build a more just, inclusive, prosperous and peaceful Mexico where no one is left behind.

In addition to the spaces for presidential candidates, we will be holding Dialogues with the gubernatorial candidates in the 8 states where there will be a change of governor, as well as in the Head of Government of Mexico City.

The “Dialogues for Democracy” are an effort for us to get to know our candidates better and promote an informed vote and solid proposals, but, above all, to join efforts through dialogue and listening to commit ourselves between sectors and build the democratic country that we long.


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