Diomedes Islands, the place in the world where you can travel in time – El Sol de México

In it world there are places hidden or very little explored where it is even difficult to access a transport to reach.

One of these sites are Diomedes Islandswhich are made up of Russian and American territorysince the border between both countries is closer than you think.

In this region you can make a time travelalthough this has nothing to do with a mysterious portalbut because of his geographical position.

Where are the Diomede Islands located?

In accordance with NatGeothe Diomedes Islands They are on the border between Alaska, USA and the peninsula Chukotka, Russia.

This archipelago is made up of Diomedes Major and Diomedes Minortwo rocky islands, one made up of a small group of people who subsist on hunting and fishing, while the other is practically uninhabited.

Lesser Diomede is located on the Alaska side and is home to approximately 160 Eskimos.

On the other hand in Diomedes Major There is only a Russian military base and a polar research station to which Russian border guards periodically arrive.

The Island of Yesterday and the Island of Tomorrow

Another way in which the Diomedes Islands are known are: Island of Yesterday and Island of Tomorrow. Since there is a difference between both time zones significant.

Another characteristic is that between both islands is the Bering strait so in winter when the sea freezes it is possible to cross the ice from one place to another, although it is not legalsince they are different countries.

According to POTbetween the Diomedes Islands pass the international date linewhich divides the planet from North to South by the Pacific, therefore there is a difference of 21 hours between them, despite being separated by only 3.7 km of distance.

So, Diomedes Majorwhich has an approximate area of ​​30 km2, is 21 hours ahead of Diomedes Minorwhich has a territory of 7.6 km2.

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