Does Latin urban music empower the Spanish language? – The Sun of Mexico

The urban music Latina plays a “crucial” role in the spread and strengthening of the Spanish language, according to a new study by the Nebrija University and the Nebrija Foundationthrough the Nebrija del Español Observatory (ONE).

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With the title of ‘The boom of urban music Latin America and the expansion of Spanish at a global level’, the study, carried out by communication doctor Lourdes Moreno, delves into the growth of this musical genre in the last three years.

“Compared to its origins, when the reggaeton “was considered a genre linked to the informal and clandestine economy, today it has emerged as a solid and powerful cultural movement,” underlines the author of the document.

In that sense, the report says that the urban music Latina currently represents between a quarter and a fifth of the songs on the charts music platforms in streaming. Likewise, it points out that since 2020, and more specifically in 2023, there has been a significant increase in its presence in the rankings of Spotify and YouTube.

It stands out that this genre adapts to the cultural model current of the digital era, where access to content has been normalized and there has been a disintermediation of traditional agents in the music industry.

As examples of success in digital technology to reach global audiences, he points to success stories such as ‘Despacito’ by Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsior the performance of Jennifer López and Shakira at the 2022 Super Bowl, in addition to the influence of Bad Bunny.

Also, it affects that the music Latin urban area is becoming international and the presence of songs in other musical styles, such as K-pop and J-popwith lyrics in Spanish.

Thus, it determines that the Spanish Languagethe second native language in the world by number of speakers, has found in Latin urban music “a means to extend its influence in the industry.”

Pride and Latinity

The study delves into the importance of urban music Latina in creating a “sense of pride and Latinidad”, which encourages collaboration between latin artists of different nationalities.

“The internationalization of recognitions, such as Latin Grammy -which are celebrated this year for the first time in Spain-, expands the media interest in these cultural products and reinforces pan-Latinism,” says Moreno.

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In relation to the conclusions of the report, the professor of the Heidelberg University Héctor Álvarez has explained that Spanish “is being used as a protest language against the dominant English, and ‘localized’ Spanish, with the expressions and accents of each country, is also imposed against neutral Spanish.”

“It happens in the music and in the literatureand it is essential to notice this to understand what type of Spanish is being spread,” he adds.

“He reggaeton has done more for the Spanish language or for the integration policy than any of the public policies with this purpose”, assures the journalist. musical Jose Fajardo.

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