Due to lack of water, Naucalpan requests a declaration of water emergency – El Sol de México

Before him water shortage In Naucalpan due to the constant reductions due to the drought registered in the Valley of Mexico Basin, the municipal president, Angélica Moya, asked Conagua to issue an Emergency Declaration in response to said situation.

In the letter number PM/DGJYC/SJC/DRM/036/2024 addressed to Germán Arturo Martínez Santoyo, general director of the National Water Commission, the mayor indicated that the conditions of scarcity of water resources They make it impossible for OAPAS to provide the service to the population.

The municipal authorities detailed that the present problem fails to comply with the Constitutional obligation that the Mexican State has to guarantee the Human Right of Access to Water stated in Article 4 of the Constitution.

Likewise, article 9 section L of the National Water Law establishes that CONAGUA, through the issuance of general Agreements, can take the necessary measures, normally of a transitory nature so that in emergency situations, extreme shortages or overexploitation , The supply of the vital liquid for domestic and urban public use is guaranteed.

In addition to this, article 39 of the same law, in the second paragraph, indicates that in the cases of extraordinary droughts, serious overexploitation of aquifers or conditions of necessity or urgency due to force majeure, the Federal Executive will adopt necessary measures to control the exploitation, use or use of national waters.

Due to these facts, it is recognized as a fundamental obligation of the State that the Water Authority establishes as a public policy the implementation of the National Program Against Drought (PRONACOSE), which aims to develop preventive and mitigation measures.

Given this scenario, the mayor demanded that CONAGUA carry out all the measures provided for in current regulations and issue a General Agreement for the Start of an Emergency due to the Occurrence of Severe, Extreme or Exceptional Drought for the Valley of Mexico Basin.

This will allow Naucalpan to execute access to water resources so that OAPAS is able to provide the service to the population.

In turn, the general director of the Decentralized Public Organization for the Provision of Drinking Water, Sewage and Sanitation Services of Naucalpan, Heidi Storsberg Montes expressed that said declaration was not only motivated to have sufficient access to the vital liquid, but also have the resources of the Rights Return Program (PRODDER), and allocate them for the rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure that allows OAPAS greater and better distribution.

Neighbors close streets

As a result of the current situation, this Monday a group of neighbors decided to close San Luis Tlatilco Street due to lack of water for three weeks, so that they would pay attention to their demands.

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They reported that they decided to open the avenue where the OAPAS offices are located because “they offered us to take 7 pipes to our house, since we have had 3 weeks without a drop of water and 18 months that we have been fighting for the service,” they stated.

Originally published in The Sun of Toluca

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