El Aissami, former Venezuelan Oil Minister, will be accused of treason – El Sol de México

The former minister of Venezuelan oil Tareck El Aissami will be charged with five crimesamong them treason to the country and capital legitimationthe Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, reported this Tuesday, minutes after announcing the detention of whom he was also executive vice president, in addition to the capture of two other subjects.

El Aissamithe former Minister of Economy and Finance and former president of the National Development Fund (Fonden) Simón Alejandro Zerpa and the businessman Samark José López will also be accused for the crimes of “appropriation either distraction of the public heritage, boasting either influence of relations either influences” and “association“.

It is, according to the prosecutor, “a plurality of crimes“for which these subjects will receive “an exemplary sanction.”

“These scoundrels who, at a bad time, used their positions that the State gave them to, obviously, make important advances in the economy, they joined forces with businessmen of briefcase to search, in this economic conspiracy, destroy the economy“said Saab, who described El Aissami as the “head of the pranato (criminal organization)” of this plot related to the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

According to research, a network of officials they used “their positions to carry out operations oil companies illegal” through “the assignment of loads“of crude oil, “without any type of administrative control or guarantees, failing to comply with contracting regulations” from PDVSA.

The prosecutor pointed out that, once “this illegally allocated crude oil was marketed, the corresponding payments were not met” to the state oil company.

Saab stated that the investigation “remains open” and what are they going more than fifty people arrested and chargedplus they are not discarded “new arrests“.

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The whereabouts of He Aissamiformer president of PDVSA, was unknown since March 2023, when he resigned from his position “stop,” he said then, to collaborate with the investigationsannounced then by the authorities.

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