El Espectador / Does Chihuahua do the Federation’s task? – The Sun of Mexico

By Hiroshi Takahashi

Like never before, the case of the kidnapping of four members of the combative family LeBaron In Chihuahua he unleashed the fury of the PAN governor, Maru Campos. Specifically against the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom with “peculiar” words he accused of ignoring (“asshole”) in the face of the growing problems of violence and insecurity in the country, especially in the northern fringe. Although the president said that they could not continue doing the task for the Federation, the truth is that in the local Prosecutor’s Office of that entity they are working at full speed to inhibit precisely crimes such as kidnapping, this is a problem that, due to its geographical location, is increasingly constant in that territory.

This reporter had access to an intelligence report on what in that state they call the “Model Unit in Attention to the Crime of Kidnapping,” a program headed by the prosecutor specialized in Strategic Operations of the Cihuahua Attorney General’s Office, Arturo Velasco Ponce, and that has identified 13 criminal groups that operate in the area and are dedicated to kidnapping people, including the thousands of migrants who arrive every week. According to reports from prosecutor Velasco Ponce, in recent years criminal groups dedicated to kidnapping have become organized and sophisticated; they now have personnel to monitor victims, telephone centers, buildings for captivity and even bank accounts.

Specifically regarding the abductions of migrants, there are 11 criminal organizations monitored. Last year they captured at least 160 victims. Of these people, 150 have already been released by the action of this Unit and, in five of these operations, 66 criminals have been captured. The “modus operandi” detected consists of members of gangs identified as “Los Carnales” I and II, “Banda del Chichis”, “Banda los Comerciantes”, “Banda del Bravo”, “Banda de Anapra”, “Banda Nuevo Casas” Grandes”, “Banda las Gordas”, “Banda del Fénix”, “Banda del Fat Flow”, “Banda San Miguel”, “Banda TJ” or “Banda Crisolito”, make a first contact through social networks with the victims, as well They operate in bus terminals, airports or directly in private homes.

So far, the Chihuahua Prosecutor’s Office has already obtained 46 links to proceedings and 17 convictions against the criminals, in addition to 15 new arrest warrants that could reach about 30 more criminals have been requested before the judicial authorities. According to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, the largest number of crimes in this category are recorded in the Ciudad Juárez plaza; Well, up to 80 percent of plagiarism occurs in that area. It is understandable why the local law enforcement agency had to design a specialized unit. The same would be expected for other states or for the rest of the country, since the frequency of this same crime is about to overwhelm, according to the SESNSP, in the town of Uruapan, Michoacán, where the Morenista governs. Alfredo Ramirez Bedollaand Huitzilac, Morelos, from Cuauhtémoc Blanco.

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