Erick Catalán, candidate for mayor of Iguala, is shot and attacked – El Sol de México

The candidate for mayor of Iguala for the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), Erick Catalán Rendón, was attacked with bullets on the Iguala – Taxco highway this Saturday afternoon; The politician is reported unharmed.

Erick Catalán, who also He was former Government delegate in the Northern part of the state during the administration of Héctor Astudillo, He was traveling in a wine-colored Toyota car, without plates, when He was shot at, presumably from another moving vehicle; the unit was shot through the windshield and other parts of the body; however, They did not penetrate the interior because it is armored.

After the attack, The politician tried to reach the barracks of the 27th Military Zone to take shelter, but the unit did not manage to reach that site and stayed on the road.

Then, security elements They were caring for the former official when they were attacked and had to respond to the attack.

Minutes later The area of ​​the attack was cordoned off by personnel from the State Police, the National Guard and the Mexican Army.

Likewise, expert personnel from the State Attorney General’s Office were presented who collected evidence to integrate it into the investigation folder and try to identify who was responsible for the attack.

Before the attack, Erick Datalán had published on his Facebook account that he would take a tour of highly marginalized neighborhoods as part of the work he does with the “Corazón por Iguala” foundation; He announced that he would be in these areas to support the most vulnerable population,

Erikc Catalan He has also served as coordinator in this area of ​​the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, for which seeks to be designated a candidate and to be championed by the entire coalition “Together We Will Continue Making History” which is also a member of his party, that of Morena and the Labor Party.

Today also, residents of the town of Chilpancinguito belonging to the municipality of Heliodoro Castillo, Tlacotepec, Guerrero, elements of a Mexican Army convoy are detained to demand security in the area.

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The protest began on Friday, in common agreement between authorities of 66 towns in the region.

Note published in The Sun of Acapulco

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