Érika Zaba lives the nostalgia for the goodbye of OV7 – El Sol de México

After 34 years jtogether with successes, joys, disappointments and even differences the group OV7 is definitively separated.

Lidia, Érika, Mariana, M’Balia, Kalimba, Ari and Oscar are ready to say goodbye to their audience on the night of Thursday, December 14 at the Mexico City Arena, confirmed Érika Zaba, in an interview with El Sol de México, after sponsoring Faisy’s performance in the play Exhaust Room.

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“Before we had set foot on this stage, but not alone and now it is for this purpose,” says the singer about the show with which they will conclude their goodbye tour that started in September 2022.

“Without a doubt, I close a cycle with OV7. I’m 10 days away from doing my last concert in what has been my life for 34 years, but well, some cycles close and others open. You never know. It is the father of any job, of any cycle that ends, because you don’t know what awaits you.”

The Mexican singer recognizes that it is not easy to leave a musical concept that is more than three decades old.

“There is a lot of nostalgia to close the story of OV7. It is a bittersweet taste that awaits us for this last concert on Thursday the 14th at the Mexico City Arena.

“I am happy because I see it as a gift that life gave me for 34 years and not as something that I am losing. Rather, I like to be grateful for what I had, but not for what I am not going to have,” he explains.

“It is very difficult to be able to close an entire 34-year story with a list of hit songs in a single night. And we have done it throughout the entire goodbye tour, which has been for the previous 14 months, we have closed each place that saw us grow,” Zaba commented.

“We were in the United States on two extensive tours, Central and South America and now Mexico. They saw us grow as Onda Vaselina and then as OV7. “This is a definitive closure, but undoubtedly a happy one.”

Erika Zaba He did not want to comment on the disagreements between Mariana and Ari Borovoy. “I can say that I enjoyed this tour to the fullest, I had an incredible time and most importantly, the people, the public had it too and we deserved it too.

“I love you all, you will always be my family. And I will always be proud to be Érika from OV7, La Güerita from OV7, The Shorty of OV7, will always fill me with pride and with a smile on my mouth. And thanks to all the people who gave me these 34 years”.

Yes, they lived a Zócalo and free to the public

Érika Zaba recalled that if they have stepped foot in the capital’s Zócalo and he went deeper, recalling: “We were already on the Zócalo esplanade in 2003, we already did it in a first farewell at that stage.

“It was something magical because many followers had the opportunity to say goodbye to us for free at that event of that magnitude, who enjoy music, pop, music that they grew up with in their childhood.

“On this occasion the opportunity did not arise, we looked for it, it did not occur.

“The closing is in the Mexico City Arena, The last concert that has given us so much here was what we wanted. Happy, happy, happy about whatever comes and reinventing myself.

“And I will rest for a while, because I had to fulfill my duties as an artist, mother and wife in the 2022 and 2023; Yes it is very heavy.

Hurricane Otis destroyed his apartment in Acapulco

Érika spoke of the total destruction of her rest apartment in one of the buildings on the 26th floor, when the Hurricane Otis:

“Everything is going wrong, it is going slowly. Go Acapulco It’s something very sad, I postponed going, I postponed it because I didn’t want to face not only my apartment, but Acapulco itself; a place that brings back so many memories for my parents, now my son Emiliano loves the beach so much that he tells me: mom when we are going to go to the beach and I tell him: soon, soon.

“It is a place that I love, I have been going since I was a child, my parents loved it like I did. See Acapulco This is strong, it is sad like the material loss of my apartment, but because it is a space that I enjoy as a family, it is a space that was my whim for which I have worked all my life and everyone My savings; Seeing it destroyed is strong, in total loss. Space built of love; but it is also a life lesson.

“Things come and go, what needs to be taken care of is life, health; and once again I thank God for not having witnessed that event, that catastrophe there.

“I live there in a 26th floor, then there was nothing left, no walls to protect themselves, nothing. Truly, thinking led me to not sleep and telling Francisco at night: Oh Francisco, I can’t sleep and thinking about what I would have done. I go with Emi a lot and it is strong to think that I could have lived such a catastrophic experience as thousands of people did.

“And they lost their homes, not only where they rested, but where they lived. That is a tragedy because they were left without any roof, food, material goods, or medicine. We must continue sending help and not because a month has passed and we forget to help.

“I’m going to continue helping, I just returned from there and people still need help.”

Feat with Faisy

Erika She is open to doing a feat with her dear friend Faisy now that he is putting together what will be his new album musical the also driver of television:

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“Yes, the truth is he and I always dreamed of working together, that’s true. It is the only thing we need to accomplish: We always said we are going to do a project together music. Obviously with all the individual projects, in my case with OV7.

Thus, the group OV7 gives his last concert in the night of the 14th at the Mexico City Arenaand goes with the disintegration musical by this Mexican band, which has made history in national pop.

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