February records the hottest days since 2021 – El Sol de México

The first two months of this year have had the hottest days in Mexico City compared to the same period from 2021, according to the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, for its acronym in English).

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The data of the National Centers for Environmental Informationl, from NOAA, specify that on February 9 and 10 of this year they recorded a maximum temperature of 30.5 degrees Celsius.

Wendy Portillo, a resident of Chimalhuacán, State of Mexico, mentioned that she constantly travels to the country’s capital and considered that, compared to other years, this month has been more warm.

“It’s really hot. The season is heavier because of the heat, because in the tomorrow is cold and in the afternoon too hot,” he commented.

The president of the Mexican Organization of AC Meteorologists, Leodegario Sansón Reyes, stated in an interview with El Sol de México that it is atypical that the temperatures are close to or greater than 30 degrees Celsius.

The expert mentioned that this month there is the transition of winter to springwhich is normal, but, in this case, the El Niño phenomenon and the entry of warm air from the Pacific have caused it.

“The phenomenon as such is not atypical, what is atypical are the values ​​that we are reaching with this typical circulation. Are not normal (temperatures)“, said.

The researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute also mentioned that, according to the National Weather Systemthe Maximum temperature recorded in Mexico City was 33 degrees in 1967, in the month of January.

Sansón Reyes explained that the average temperature is 29 degrees, but the forecast is that this month the temperatures 30 degrees or more. Between March and April there could be a record.

“This could be the month of February in which it could be reached even higher than the 30 degrees.

“For this year it is expected that we can at least reach a little higher than this historic 31 degrees which could be between 32 and 33 degrees between March and April, which is tying the record for 31 degrees 1967 (for that period),” he said.


The National Water Comission reported on February 13 that the Cutzamala System It is at 38 percent of its capacity. The liquid it houses continues to decline every week.

Sansón Reyes explained that the increase in temperatures and the drought in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico are worrying due to the environmental effects, since, subject to the rainy season, the loss of liquid will continue.

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“The maximum temperature It does also have to do with the absence of cloudiness and the absence of rains. The situation is delicate with the heat, because there is more evaporation (of liquids).

“More would be lost from the repositories of rivers and dams, more liters than normal could be lost due to the intense radiation. “It could be a situation that would aggravate the already existing crisis,” he mentioned.

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