Federal construction workers in BCS ask for money on the street for lack of payment – El Sol de México

Juan José González Peralta, a 43-year-old carpenter officer, explained the difficult situation faced by 220 workers at a federal construction site when they have not received their pay for the last four weeks.

He placed banners on the Juan de Dios Angulo bypass, at Carabineros Street, pointing out the lack of response from the company Zohmex SA de CV, in charge of the construction of the El Piojillo linear park.

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González Peralta, originally from Veracruz, pointed to necessity as the main reason that led him to join the project.

“We workers are in need. If we are standing here it is out of necessity, not just to be there. Now, since the fourth week, I will no longer have the televisions and devices and do you want me to thank this company?” said the worker.

Despite the solidarity of some drivers who have donated some coins, workers face an economic crisis to the point of pawning belongings to cover basic expenses such as groceries.

The company, according to testimony, has failed to meet its financial commitments, leaving workers in a precarious situation. In the interview, González Peralta expressed his discontent and sadness at the lack of payment and the loss of trust placed in the company.

Tomorrow marks four weeks since the start of the non-payment, and the workers, who have decided to stop their work, demanded a prompt solution from the competent authorities.

On December 4, around 30 company workers reported these acts to the Baja California Sur Labor Conciliation Center.

They were advised by the Secretary General of Transportation of the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC), Horacio Ramírez Rosas. Not all workers have gone to the union despite offering groceries and other support, for fear of union dues, the Veracruz native revealed.

Zohmex, SA de CV was the winner of national public tenders for two works in the municipality of La Paz with a federal budget, both totaling 435 million 577 thousand pesos, from the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu).

Testimonies indicated that the lack of payment seriously affected those who come from other locations, practically “captive” for fear of retaliation by the company.

The competent authorities were called to intervene to clarify the facts and find solutions to this situation that affects 220 workers and that has generated a debt that the complainants estimated at 3.5 million pesos.

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The affected workers have built the El Piojillo Sports Center and linear park, where different sports spaces will be equipped, in addition to a pedestrian walkway, cycle paths, trees, benches, exercise equipment and equipment for common use.

Originally published in The South Californian

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