Federal government publishes decree to reactivate passenger train service – El Sol de México

He federal governmentthrough the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), published a decree for reactivate seven railway lines for passenger and freight service.

The document, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), declares as priority area for national development the provision of public rail transport service of passengers in the Mexican Railway System (SFM).

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“On the general roads of concessioned railway communicationpreference will be given to the provision of public passenger rail service and the public freight rail transport service will be respected in terms of the provisions of the respective concession,” the decree states.

Among the lines that will be reactivated are the Mexico City – Veracruz line, known as Tren Jarocho; the Mexico – Querétaro, or Constitutionalist Train; Monterrey – Nuevo Laredo, called the Nuevo Regiomontano Train; Chihuahua – Ciudad Juárez, or Northern Division Train; and Manzanillo – Guadalajara, known as the El Colimense Train, among others.

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According to the decree, the concessionaires of the public freight rail transport servicesuch as Grupo México and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), will be the first to be invited to present projects for the implementation of passenger rail service within the roads they operate.

These companies will have from this Monday, November 20 and until January 15, 2024 to present their proposals, indicates the document signed by the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The head of the Executive himself said at the beginning of the month that he was preparing this decree to get passenger trains back on track, and commented then that if private companies decided not to participate in the project, the State will start a program for the acquisition of railways that are used the same roads.

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“In the event that the concessionaires of the public freight rail transport service do not present viable proposals in terms of investment, construction time, modernization of roads to provide passenger service or do not express their interest and acceptance within the period established in the previous clause , the federal government (…) may grant assignment titles to the Secretariat of National Defense or to the Secretary of the Navywhich already operate the Mayan Train and the Tehuantepec Isthmus Trainor in your case, to individuals submitting proposals and are interested in providing rail passenger transportation service,” the decree says.

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