Fire consumes premises in Plaza Pasaje Dorado, in the Morelos neighborhood – El Sol de México

Large columns of smoke were reported in the Morelos neighborhood this Sunday morning, according to authorities several premises caught fire.

On social networks, users indicate that the fire is in the Republic of Costa Rica and Florida, Morelos neighborhood, Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office; right where Plaza Oasis was.

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But authorities reported that the fire occurred in Plaza Pasaje Dorado, a few blocks from Plaza Oasis where a large fire broke out last month that mobilized the entire city.

According to reports from the Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC), elements of the group evacuated the people in the surrounding properties.

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So the merchants had to remove their stalls from the street to avoid mishaps; so the fire has already been controlled and put out.

Information in development…

Note published in The Press

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