France investigates Telegram founder Pavel Durovfor “serious violence” against one of his sons in Paris, a source close to the case told AFP on Wednesday, as the Franco-Russian billionaire was brought before the court in a separate case.
The new investigation entrusted to the French agency for the prevention of violence against minors, Ofmin, has just been opened, said this source, specifying that the violence against a son of the tycoon born in 2017 It took place when I was in school at Paris.
The minor currently lives in Swiss with her mother, who filed a complaint in Switzerland in 2023 accusing her ex-partner of violence against one of her children, the source added.
Durov, based in Dubai in recent years and also with a French passport, he was arrested on Saturday night as part of another investigation, at Le Bourget airport, when he arrived in the French capital from Baku for a dinner,
The 39-year-old billionaire is accused of failing to act against the spread of criminal content on his encrypted messaging service.
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Durov was brought before a judge on Wednesday afternoon after several days in police custody, awaiting possible charges by the French courts, a source close to the case told AFP.