Galactic zoo, the theory that analyzes why aliens avoid contacting us – El Sol de México

Much has been said about the existence of extraterrestrials; Yes there are sufficient evidence to prove it or if governments hide information relevant, but something that is a fact is that, if they are real, These beings have not wanted to communicate with us.

Things have been put on the table. The United States government and even the POT have already stated that, at least, it can be believed that there are non-human beings walking around, however they still They haven’t given people irrefutable evidence.

Although it cannot be proven that Is there life in other planets, being logical we can speculate that this is the case. The Earth is just a microscopic point in the immensity of space, we cannot be the only ones.

But although it has been tried, scientists only see failures in his attempts to capture any messagehowever small it may be, that comes from some extraterrestrial being.

Faced with the denials, a group of astrophysicists, biologists, sociologists, psychologists and historians, members of the organization Messages to Intelligent Extraterrestrials (METI)They met to discuss and find an answer.

What is a galactic zoo?

After an extensive talk, they arrived at the conclusion that one of the most viable reasons is the “zoo hypothesis”whose name is quite obvious when explained.

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“Maybe the aliens They are watching humans on Earth the same way we we watch the animals in the zoo“he said in a statement astrobiologist Douglas Vakochpresident of METI.

On the other hand, it is also believed that they did not want to get close enough because that would mean put ourselves and them in danger.

“Past experiences show that Any meeting of two civilizations is dangerous for both“explained astrophysicist Danielle Briot.

For its part, Jean-Pierre Rosparsdirector of the French National Agricultural Research Institute, agrees with his colleague, since In the event of a collision of this type, it is not possible to know exactly how both parties would react.

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“It seems likely that the aliens are imposing a ‘galactic quarantine’. (…) They realize that it would be culturally damaging for us to know about them.”

So, although it may seem very interesting to know if someone else is watching us, perhaps the best thing for our civilization is not to be in such a hurry to contact us with any extraterrestrial life.


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