García Luna will know today whether or not the trial is reinstated in the NY Court – El Sol de México

This Friday the federal judge of the Eastern District Court in Brooklyn, New York, Brian Cogan, will define whether whether or not to annul the trial against Genaro García Lunaheld in 2023, where He was convicted of drug trafficking.

On December 15, 2023, the lawyers of the former head of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) asked the judge for a new trial, arguing that they had found new evidence that key witnesses lied on the stand.

“The accused Genaro García Luna appears before the Honorable United States District Judge Brian Cogan in the United States Court for the Eastern District of New York for an order vacating García Luna’s conviction and ordering a new trial in accordance with the rule federal criminal procedure 33, and any other and future ones that the court considers fair and appropriate,” states the motion presented by the former official’s lawyers.

The defense request seeks to throw out the guilty verdict handed down on February 21, 2023, so that a new trial can be carried out.

The New York Prosecutor’s Office requested six weeks to respond to the defense’s request for Genaro Garciaso Judge Cogan defined that the US authority will have until this day to respond to the opening of a new trial.

This request forced Judge Brian Cogan to schedule the sentencing hearing for the former Mexican official until June 24.

García Luna was found guilty of five charges, which are: participating in an ongoing criminal enterprise; international conspiracy to distribute cocaine; conspiracy to distribute and possess cocaine; cocaine importation conspiracy and making false statements to the United States immigration authority.

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During his trial of more than four weeks, 26 witnesses participated, including some criminals such as Jesús “El Rey” Zambada, Sergio Villarreal, El Grande”, and Óscar Valencia, “El Lobo”, who regained his freedom this year.

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