Gomita threatens Gala after kissing Agustín: I’m going to make sure that whatever happens happens – El Sol de México

Gummifrom the fourth Earth of The House of the Famoushas faced mental health issues since Agustín kissed Gala Montes, because the host had expressed her interest in the actor, but He rejected her and preferred to try something with the actress of The lord of the skies.

The The situation made the atmosphere tense inside The House of the Famous because Gomita can’t contain her feelings for Agustínadded to the fact that allegedly Gala has made mocking comments about the rejection to the driver.

Therefore, Gomita decided to make a public threat against Gala Montes, and assured that When they leave the reality show will hit everyone those people that caused him to feel bad.

How did the controversy between Gomita and Gala Montes begin?

He The problem between Gala and Gomita began when Gala kissed Agustín Fernández for the first timebecause the host had expressed interest in the actor on several occasions.

Because the situation between Gala and Augustine It escalated to more than one kiss, and they They began to show their chemistry within The House of the Famousthe Comments among the inhabitants were not long in comingand they even went so far as to carry out derogatory judgments against Gomita.

Gummilast week, decided to nominate Gala and took advantage its positioning to complain about his commentswhich ensures that “they hurt him”, because the actress “stressed” that Agustín’s rejection of the inhabitant of the fourth Earth was a “humiliation at the national level.”

It hurt me a lot, believe me, any girl who had been in my place and had felt that rejection, would have been hurt too. Gummy.

Added to this, Gomita assured that One of his “friends or roommates” told him that Gala referred to the host as a “bitch”an insult that hurt him more because it reminded him that His first kiss was “so that bitch would hurt.”

The host emphasized that her comments They will never make it “explode”, but They hurt her because she “would never disrespect him” and even wanted to empathize with the driver.

To your positioning, Gala responded that she never mentioned those comments and that Gomita was incongruous. because his actions did not correspond to his deeds, added to the fact that she is “manipulative”.

The comments made the situation tense between Gala and Gummiwho She was nominated along with Agustín Fernández.

Why did Gomita threaten to hit Gala?

Yesterday, there was a party within The House of the Famous. In it, In addition to saving Agustín, Gala decided to kiss the actor.

Both actions did not seem right to Gomita, whobecause he had taken too much, started crying because “they saved the one who likes it.”

They saved the one I liked. And I’m leaving next time. Gummy.

At the end of the party, Gomita exploded against Karime, Briggitte and Gala, as she claimed that they were making fun of her and that made him feel bad.

A bitch like that making fun of me makes me want to kick her ass. Outside I’m going to make sure that whatever happens happens. Gummy.

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The threat against Gala Montes escalated, because Gomita assured that she did not tempt her heart even with her family that “they have broken his heart.”

If I don’t have a heart for my family because they have broken my heart, I’m going to give the people in here a hard time because they have made me feel like shit. Gummy.

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