Good time for employment in Mexico – El Sol de México

José Abugaber Andonie

CONCAMIN President

A few days ago the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) reported on a record of formal jobs in the country: 22 million 302 thousand 690 workers are in the formal labor market, which is undoubtedly good news, although we still have a long way to go There is much to advance given that the employed population in Mexico totals more than 58 million people.

From the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (CONCAMIN) we celebrate that there are more and more formal jobs and more families with social security and possibilities of acquiring housing through the credits granted by INFONAVIT to workers.

And that is why I applaud the industry, the company, the private initiative that works every day to generate more and better jobs, as well as to improve the quality of life of all Mexicans.

It is important to make it clear that this is everyone’s achievement; no one can take responsibility for this important advance alone. On the contrary, we have to continue working in coordination, industry and company, to generate jobs and allow families to have the stability that comes with having a fixed income and the possibility of purchasing a house and having health services.

Last October was one of the months that had the fourth highest monthly rate of formal job creation since records began, accumulating 173,257, which means that in the last 12 months the number of jobs created amounts to 685,000. 364 jobs.

On the other hand, it is also true that the creation of formal jobs is declining compared to the previous year; However, it is necessary to clarify that one of the reasons is that in 2022 the jobs that were lost during 2020 with the pandemic continued to be recovered.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that compared to October 2019, one million 575 thousand 266 formal jobs have been created, which indicates that the number of workers insured before the pandemic has already been far exceeded. Industry, business and government work with the objective of continuing to increase formal employment, which is undoubtedly part of our priorities that we have to fulfill if we want a more prosperous country with more opportunities for everyone.

Private initiative is, without a doubt, a great ally of Mexicans and it is for that reason that before, during and after the pandemic we always join forces to create more and better jobs.

However, we still have to continue fighting informal employment, which reaches levels above 56 percent of the Economically Active Population, since this bulk of the population does not have any type of benefit, in addition to the fact that informality causes the government to have less income for social services.

That is a challenge that we all have and it is important not to lose sight of it and continue making efforts so that everyone has a formal job, since it is the way to be able to build wealth and have efficient and safe health services.

CONCAMIN reaffirms its commitment to continue working for the development of the country, through promoting formal, well-paid employment with benefits in accordance with the law…because we are all Mexico.

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