Heretic Portrait / 3 stories of fire (not artificial) – El Sol de México

1.- Caborca-CJNG in Polanco? The Caborca ​​Cartel was established by Rafael Caro Quinteroin the mid-2010s, to confront his old allies from the Sinaloa Cartel, in whose leadership he participated in the 1980s. Strangely released from prison in 2013 and then reprimanded in 2022, for his new war he enlisted the support of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel with the passivity of the Morena government Alfonso Durazo. Rafael Caro left his nephew in charge Manuel Beltran Quinteromurdered last Friday afternoon in the heart of the exclusive neighborhood of Polanco in Mexico City. Ownership of the van in which he was traveling is attributed to Pamela Hernandezidentified as a member of the Green Party (a member of the ruling party) in the state of Mexico. The episode once again exposes Durazo’s incompetence and undermines the image of the police in the country’s capital. Pablo Vazquezcurrent incumbent, was appointed by Marti Batreswho would have lobbied for his ratification in the incoming government of Clara Brugada. The team is discussing the urgency of appointing middle managers who can counterbalance the current established interests.

2.- Civil War in Chiapas? Entire regions of the state, particularly the border, are dominated by the war between cartels, the Sinaloa cartel in some cases, the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel, among others. The drug and arms trafficking businesses, and – increasingly – the trafficking and extortion of migrants, keep the Morena government in permanent turmoil and bloodshed. Rutilio Escandonclose to the President Lopez Obrador and brother-in-law of Adam Augusto Lopezformer Secretary of the Interior and coordinator of the parliamentary majority in the Senate. Perhaps for this reason it is assumed that Escandón Cadenas has been untouchable despite accusations that he leans his influence in favor of one of the mafias in dispute. Multiple reports from civil society, human rights organizations, ecclesiastical organizations and even the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, warn that communities are pressured to align themselves with one side or the other, which could lead, they have said, to a “civil war.” The political scenario has changed as the inauguration of the new governor approaches, Eduardo RamirezLast April he accompanied the then presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum when the vehicle they were travelling in was intercepted by hooded men who were allowed to express their complaints. Ramírez Aguilar has decided to take an increasing distance from the outgoing governor. It is said that he would be appointed ambassador in the first months of the Sheinbaum administration to facilitate the rescue of the state.

3.- Veracruz: Collateral damage. The next government of Veracruz, which will be headed Rocio Nahlefaces collateral damage after the political clan he heads Miguel Angel Yunes Linares has been tacitly exonerated of the charges that the state justice system had brought against several of its members, after having provided the vote that was needed for the approval of the so-called judicial reform in the Senate. The governor-elect Nahle García directly blames the Yunes for having put together and disclosed the black file about her alleged properties and other accusations. She managed to get the state prosecutor’s office to put together accusations that were solid enough to force that clan – until now linked to the PAN – to seek refuge in the Morena government. The testimonies available indicate that Doña Rocío only watched from afar, and not with pleasure, the negotiations that tied her hands. They were carried out by the parliamentary leaders Ricardo Monrealin San Lazaro, and Adam Augusto Lopezin the upper house.

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