Holidays in Mexico When is the next one in 2024? – The Sun of Mexico

Easter holidays are about to end for thousands of students at the basic levels, those who will return to classes on April 8.

However, for the workers who are already in their normal activities after enjoying the Holy Thursday, know when the next one will be mandatory rest day It is a fact that many hope to know.

According to the Federal Labor Law (LFT) in the month of April There is no day officially recorded as a holiday.

It will be until May when you can enjoy a mandatory day of rest for the May 1 when commemorating International work day.

If for any reason you have to labor that day, you should know that you will have to receive a economic compensation. According to him article 73 of the Federal Labor Law, employees must receive triple your salary for the service provided, that is, they must receive their normal day’s pay, plus double.

When are the next holidays in Mexico in 2024?

He article 74 of the LFT establishes that the days of mandatory rest in the rest of the year will be five and two of them will become long weekends:

Regarding the school issue, according to the calendar of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP)the next long weekend for preschool, primary and secondary school students will be April 26, when the fourth School Technical Council of the year.

This council is held on the last Friday of each month and its purpose is for the teachers and directors of the schools discuss the school processes and the needs of learning of the students of each institution.

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