How does the Rector choose the Governing Board at UNAM? This is the process – El Sol de México

At this moment when the 15 members of the Governing Board are meeting to elect who will succeed the rector Enrique Graue, one of the most common questions is how does it work? Under what criteria are these closed-door sessions conducted? Is it similar to how he does it? Vatican Council to choose the Dad?, it seems because in both cases the wait is long, only in the building Rectory there is no chimney from which the White smoke as a sign of Habemus Papa or Habemus Rector and the vote could be secret.

According to him Internal Regulations of the Governing Boardcreated on March 13, 1945, that governing body of the institution for the election of the rector or in this case, it could happen that the rector will meet validly with the attendance of half plus one of its active members, that is, with eight of its members.

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The Board may not meet with an attendance of less than six and to make decisions it will do so with the absolute majority of votes of the attendees.

This is an exception in the case of the election or removal of the Rector or the acceptance of his resignation, as occurred in November 1999 with the resignation of rector Francisco Barnés de Castro, in the midst of a students strike which by then had paralyzed the institution for almost eight months.

The Board It also has that exception in cases in which a problem must be resolved. conflict emerged between university authorities.

Both in the appointment of Rector and to settle disputes Board Inside, it will carry out sufficient rounds of voting until a qualified majority is reached.

“It will require a majority of ten votes at least,” states the regulations in the seventh article.

In the case of the designation of directors of schools or institutes A majority of at least eight votes of the members of the Board will be required.

However, “the Board itself… the absolute majority of those attending the meeting session respective, you may agree that for a resolution determined, a larger majority than that indicated in the preceding paragraph is required.”

The Board meets at its headquarters, the fourth floor of the Rectory Tower. In the last almost 25 years, only in 1999 did it do so outside the university facilities, due to the then stoppage of CGH activities, the members of that organization settled in the Mining Palace.

Now for the designation of who will succeed the rector Enrique Graue The Board meets at its official headquarters.

At the moment The Board is made up: Gina Zabludovsky, Alberto Ken Oyama, Ana Barahona, Elena Centeno, Enrique Cabrero, Jorge Cadena, Juan Alberto Adam, Luis Armando Díaz-Infante, Marcia Hiriart, Margarita Luna Ramos, María de la Luz Jimena de Teresa de Oteyza, Patricia Elena Clarck, Rafael Lira, Rocío Jáuregui Renaud and Vicente Quirate Castañeda.

Inside that space, the 15 members, according to the regulationproceed first to appoint a permanent secretary, and each of its sessions will be chaired by one of its members present, in alphabetical order of their first surnames.

The regulation establishes that the person who has acted as president in one session will continue in the performance of the position until the Board meets in its next session.

“In cases of permanent session, expressly declared by the Board, even when the session extends to several days, the president who served at the beginning of the session will continue to serve,” in this case for the election of who will be in charge. of Rectory For the period 2023-2027, the Board determined that the researcher Gina Zabludovsky.

Once the definition is made, the president and the secretary designated for this procedure become its representatives before the others. University bodies and before the authoritiesinstitutions or people with whom the Board must maintain a relationship.

“The acting president and the secretary will sign the minutes of the respective sessions, the copies that must be issued of those minutes and all the documents or communications that emanate from the Board. He secretary “must preserve the archive of the Board, as well as its book of minutes,” the legislation states.

Once the two representatives who will lead the appointment process of the Rector of the Board proceeds to make a balance and presents a report of the stages of the processof the interviews with the applicants and to analyze the comments of the community in favor and also against the candidates. This is also the first time that the list of formal candidates is broad, having considered ten people.

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Once this process is completed, the way is made for the rounds of vote. The legislation states that “the votes will be nominal, unless two of the members of the Board request that they be secret.”

If in any vote the majority necessary for the adoption of the agreement is not obtained, successive votes will be carried out with absolute freedom decision for members of the Governing Board. Only at that moment the votes Previous entries will no longer be valid and the counting of votes will begin again.

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