How to check the status of Mujeres con Bienestar Edomex – El Sol de México

Women with Wellbeingthe government’s flagship program Mexico state that supports women in situations of vulnerability and poverty, will have a second round of registration.

Women aged 18 to 64 who benefited in the first stage receive a economical support of 2 thousand 500 pesosas well as the possibility of accessing medical, legal assistance, training and social security.

And now, more Mexican women will have the opportunity to be part of this project. Below we will tell you how.

Who can register for the second round?

In the second phase there will be no new registrationsbut a larger percentage of women will benefit, how?

According to the authorities in charge of the program, registration will not be necessary because the women who registered in the first stage will be taken into account, and the new beneficiaries will be selected from among them.

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Therefore, it is important that all the Mexican women who registered in the first stage have the number of Invoice that they obtained in pre-registration.

To recover it all you have to do is enter this link with the cell phone number they used to register in the first stage. That way, your folio will be sent to you again.

What are the requirements to register for Mujeres con Bienestar?

If after this second round a new call for registration opens, we share with you the requirements and documents that you may need:

  • Be Mexican by birth or naturalization.

  • Live in one of the 125 municipalities of the State of Mexico.

  • Be between 18 and 64 years of age.

  • Present a condition of poverty and lack of access to social security.

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It is also necessary to gather the following documents:

  • Birth certificate.

  • Valid official identification (voting card, passport, etc.).

  • Unique Population Registry Code (curp).

  • Recent proof of address (no older than three months).

  • Unique Wellbeing Form filled out correctly.

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