I would rather lose ratification than negotiate justice: Ernestina Godoy – El Sol de México

“I’d rather lose the ratification, to negotiate the justice. Justice is not negotiated“, assured the Attorney General of Justice of Mexico City, Ernestina Godoy Ramos, about the process that the Mexico City Congress to vote whether or not he stays four more years in office.

In interview with The Press, Godoy Ramos I affirm that justice is not negotiable and pointed out that the National Action Party (BREAD) in it Congress capital wants to stop the process because she maintains an investigation into acts of corruption that involves officials, former officials and public servants of that party with the real estate cartel.

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During the interview held in the meeting room on the fifth floor of the building known as bunkerthe prosecutor accused that The opposition seeks that it not be ratified.

“Some opposition politicians and former politicians are the ones who have committed acts of corruption. It is very clear to me that they do not want continuity because we are investigating. With tests we have achieved, with great force, to integrate folders. Today there are several public servants detained and in prison who are also linked to the process.

It may interest you: Political victimization will not stop investigation into real estate corruption: Ernestina Godoy

There are at least two who have already accepted their responsibility. They have returned several properties to the city, including one located on Insurgentes Avenue, in the neighborhood Guadalupe Innwhich two former officials owned less than 50 percent each.”

Ernestina Godoy compared to real estate cartel with organized crime groups, which have an entire structure for illicit activities.

“We are uncomfortable for them, that’s why they don’t want me to be ratified for another four years. Here at the prosecutor’s office We investigate and punish all those who engage in criminal activities. Investigations are for all those who commit crimes. We have also arrested and imprisoned investigative police, public ministries and also uniformed personnel from the Secretariat of Citizen Security.”

The leader of Brunette in the Mexico City, Sebastian Ramirez, who assured that Godoy has disrupted the interests of certain groups that insist “by all means and with fallacies” to stop its ratification.

And the Head of City Government, Martí Batresdeclared that at panistas They did not like that the prosecutor investigated and brought criminal action against those responsible for what she described as serious real estate corruption in Benito Juárez. “Either they take the side of justice or they take the side of crime, let them decide,” she said.

The PRI announced that it will also vote againstbecause he accuses that The process must be supported by technical criteriabut it became a political maneuver that does not benefit citizens.

Yesterday, the president of the Board of Directors of Congress, Gabriela Salidoissued a call for any citizen of the capital to give their opinion on the proposed ratification process. Starting today and until November 15 They will be able to present a document in person at the offices located in Ghent 15.

Godoy stated that since the transition of the extinct Attorney General’s Office to now Attorney General’s Office Practices associated with the old institution and previous administrations have been eliminated. Now the institution is governed under new work schemes, with an institutional orientation that focuses on victims, with the idea of ​​giving the population access to justice.

The prosecutor was asked about institutional coordination, to which she responded: “the security cabinet of the City dand Mexico It is a permanent mechanism for the coordination, execution and evaluation of actions between all entities linked to security and the administration of justice; It allows you to make informed decisions, evaluate their results and establish joint strategies.

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For the institution, autonomy is not a conflict. The prosecutor of justice of the Mexico City ensures that it is coordination and daily work to restore peace and security, and independence and adherence to the law in criminal investigation.

“The Prosecutor’s Office does what corresponds to it, receives complaints, investigates crimes, seeks the truth, charges criminals responsible and supports before the judges their accusations,” he said.

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