In the Judicial Branch that I direct, gender equality is serious: Minister Piña in the 8M – El Sol de México

Piña Hernández announced the implementation of a human rights, criminal justice and gender program, developed from dialogue with relatives of victims of feminicide and other forms of gender violence

Within the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, this March 8, the Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Council of the Federal Judiciary (CJF), Norma Piña Hernández, highlighted that during her mandate at the head of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) “gender equality is serious.”

Minister Piña Hernández began her speech by highlighting the importance of this day, in which thousands of women take to the streets to commemorate the fight for gender equality and demand an end to the violence that persists in Mexican society. She expressed her support for all those who raise their voices, remembering that the diversity of problems, desires and contexts should not be a reason for separation, but rather for respect and unity.

“I accompany all of us who today realize that we are diverse, with different problems, desires, beliefs and contexts and, at the same time, we realize that we are one, because together we fight for equality and the freedom to be who we are, who we want. be,” said Piña.

He added that “8M makes even more visible the importance of listening to each other and supporting each other in our diversity, diversity that should never be a reason for separation, but rather for respect and unity.”

The Minister asked that the memory of the women who are no longer here be honored and that a free, joyful, dignified and safe future be claimed for future generations.

Furthermore, she recognized the complexity of women’s claims, as well as the inequalities and violence they face, pointing out that solutions cannot arise from a single thought, but from an honest commitment to listening and understanding the different problems that women go through in Mexico.

For this reason, Piña Hernández announced the implementation of a human rights, criminal justice and gender program, developed through dialogue with relatives of victims of feminicide and other forms of gender violence. This program, she said, aims to provide tools to prove in court the context in which gender violence occurs, recognizing the importance of the gender perspective in the administration of justice.

“In this last year, I understood better than ever that, unlike gender shells, real changes to move towards equality do not happen overnight. To really progress, we have to build solid foundations that transcend us as individuals, that are consolidated in healthy institutional stability,” said the representative of the Judiciary.

He highlighted the PJF’s commitment to the prevention and eradication of gender violence, as well as the mainstreaming of gender equality in essential issues such as the recognition and redistribution of care work. She also mentioned the Supreme Court’s efforts to strengthen reproductive rights and recognize women’s unpaid work.

However, she recognized that there is still a long way to go to achieve justice and real equality for all women in Mexico.

“We are still very far from real justice and equality for all women. From the Judicial Branch of the Federation we not only assume our responsibility to achieve them, but we will call on all the authorities to work in an effective and coordinated manner to solve the problems of security, procurement and administration of justice that especially impact the women,” he pointed out.

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Minister Piña Hernández concluded her message by addressing all Mexican women, recognizing their diversity and reaffirming the PJF’s commitment to working alongside them to build a future of equality, freedom and security for all.

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