INAH discovers sculpted face of a warrior in Chichén Itzá – El Sol de México

The sculpture of a warrior’s face Wearing a serpent helmet with open jaws and a feather headdress, he was discovered in the excavations of the Archaeological Areas Improvement Program (Promeza), in the so-called Temple 6 of Maudslay, belonging to the Casa Colorada complex of Chichen Itza.

The most recent discovery was announced at the presidential conference by the director general of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)Diego Prieto Hernández, “who presented the latest reports of the archaeological rescue carried out in its conclusive phase in the works of the Mayan Train,” reports the Ministry of Culture in a statement.

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Regarding the discovery, he explained that the prehispanic elementwhich must have been part of a sculptural design larger, was found as part of the construction fill, on the east side of the basement.

It is a piece 33 centimeters high, 28 centimeters wide and 22 centimeters deep “which, despite being fractured, stands out for being in a good state of conservation. Thanks to this, it can be deduced that its sculptural parameters agree with those used in the earliest times of the Mayan city,” said the head of the INAH.

rescue work

Promeza strengthens the infrastructure of 27 archaeological zones close to the Mayan Train route, Prieto Hernández indicated, the works include the creation of 10 Visitor Service Centers (Catvi) and eight museums, “new and/or updated in places such as Kabah and Tulum, which will be dedicated to the Route Puuc and the eastern coast of Quintana Roo, respectively.”

In Calakmul and Dzibilchaltún, there will also be museums, and the opening of the first museum in Chichen Itza. “Mérida will have a new cultural space at the Ateneo Peninsular,” explained Diego Prieto Hernández.

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The official shared a video about the research and conservation work in Xelhá, which in the Early Classic period (250-600 AD) was the largest and most important port of the kingdom of Cobá, “as referred to by its palaces decorated with mural paintings, which recall the strong presence that Teotihuacan had in the area Maya”.

With the arrival of the Spanish, Xelhá was almost abandoned, many of its inhabitants died from the new diseases brought by the Europeans and others fled inland. “By 1550, the place was in ruins,” continued the archaeologist, who reported on the reconstruction work in the area.

A total of 1,800 linear meters of trails will be enabled with the program, which includes information resources for visitors.

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“As of November 9, 2023, 57,146 real estate elements have been registered and preserved; 1,925 personal property; one million 398 thousand 83 ceramic fragments and one thousand 467 ppieces in restoration. To these figures are added 660 human burials, and 2,252 natural features associated with ancient settlements,” the statement concludes.

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