INE will act against content made with AI until it receives complaints: counselor – El Sol de México

He National Electoral Institute (INE) will act against electoral content made with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and that they could be false until a complaint is received or when its dissemination complicates the 2024 election, said the advisor Rita Bell López Vencesas he explained that the electoral referee is responsible for organizing elections and not reviewing all the content that is disseminated on social networks.

The counselor who integrates the Complaints and Reports Commission – which is responsible for processing complaints filed by political actors for violations of electoral regulations – said that the lack of proactivity to address the issue of artificial intelligence is due to the fact that the INE It has limited powers and because “it would not have the resources to carry out a review on all platforms, on all social networks, of this type of content with false information.”

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“Unless there is a complaint, a complaint or that later some content begins to be managed that is worrying due to its virality or that there is a complex situation, the INE You can do this check to verify if that information is true or not”, he said in an interview with The Sun of Mexico.

In case it reached INE a complaint for misuse of artificial intelligence with electoral purposeswhich so far has not happened, López Vences said that the INE is prepared for determine if images, videos or audios are fake or truesince the electoral authority has made alliances with specialists to verify the information from previous electoral processes.

He added that fake messages made with artificial intelligence hinder the work of the INE and of the Local Public Bodies (OPLEs) and they put the candidates in trouble, since he said that this type of content is “extremely harmful to the electoral process” so having spaces for information verification, he said “will be essential and the INE will be paying special care and attention there.”

Furthermore, López Vences warned that Women are the most vulnerable sector to the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Because in various forums, women have expressed that a risk is that their photographs are modified with this technology to sexualize them and cause damage to their pre-campaign or campaign, however, for there to be any action, a complaint must also be filed.

Shared responsibility

The counselor said that avoiding the proliferation of fake news generated with AI It is a shared responsibility between matches, electoral authorities and the citizens he said have to “stay informed, not reproduce false news and look for safe spaces that can give them certainty of information”.

Meanwhile, Rubén Dario Vázquez Romerocommunication specialist at the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Aragónconsidered that the 2024 elections will be characterized by the confusion that will be generated by the proliferation of content made with Artificial intelligence, However, he said that it is not the responsibility of the INE act only from the legislators who have not modified the Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures (LGIPE) to contemplate digital communication and the use of artificial intelligence for electoral purposes.

“There is a huge legal loophole that allows this negative freedom and I think this also increases confusion on the part of electors who already had to face the war in the spots that are scheduled by the INE and now the war moves to social networks and increases with the use of these tools of Artificial intelligence“, said.

The specialist agreed that there is a co-responsibility to stop the fake news made with artificial intelligence: “There is a co-responsibility for the content that we are seeing, it is not just about seeing content, but about sharing it, so when in doubt it is always best not to share and above all always resort to official sources”.

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He added that since social networks are the ecosystem in which content made with Artificial intelligence and that these have a predominantly young audience, there is the possibility that young people will have a defining role in the elections, at least in those where the margins are very close.

“These kids who are going to vote for the first time who are not used to these dirty warswho do not have electoral experience, who also do not vote, are the ones who can tip the balance, so speaking to them in their own language, speaking to them on their own platforms is what is going to convince them to vote or not. vote for a candidate and from there, this war dirtyWell, it’s going to get intense,” he said.

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