“It is false that the debate questions have been chosen on a whim,” INE responds to AMLO – El Sol de México

The counselor Martín Faz rejected the accusation of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that the questions for the first presidential debate were freely chosen by Denise Maerker and Manuel, moderators of the first meeting held on Sunday.

In a press conference, the counselor who is part of the Temporary Debates Commission detailed that the moderators had to select the questions they asked the presidential candidates from a battery of questions sent by citizens to the National Electoral Institute (INE) and selected by Signalab of ITESO.

“Signalab was the one who selected the questions, there is clear traceability to know how it was, not who asked the questions but where the questions come from and therefore it is totally false that the questions have been chosen on a whim by departments or by anyone, not even not even by Signalab himself, in that sense it is a statement that lacks support,” he said.

In his morning press conference today, the president López Obrador accused that the questions were chosen with a “supposed consultation with all citizens” and it was left to the drivers “the privilege of being able to choose what questions to ask: how bad (we are) in health, how bad in education, how bad in everything, yet they couldn’t leave us bad.”

The counselor Claudia Zavala He assured that the questions raised in the debate are concerns raised by real people and guaranteed that anyone will have access to the report that Signalab will present in the coming days.

There was a guarantee that the people who asked were real people, that was also taken care of, that is why ITESO was hired, it is the people who are asking, those topics were raised by the people. In addition, it was regionalized, of the three parts into which we divide the Mexican Republic, anyone will have access to all of this.

Zavala assured

“The entire narrative of the debate, if you analyze it, talked about what our adversaries maintain, about the means of manipulation. The entire narrative of the debate was that. Not recognizing absolutely anything,” AMLO asserted.

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