It is important to break down the barriers to access to justice: Bertha Alcalde – El Sol de México

Bertha María Alcalde Luján, candidate to fill the vacant position of Minister in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN)pointed out the importance of being part of the highest judicial court, “as an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to addressing the historical demands of the people of Mexico who demand respect for their rights as well as the solution of their conflicts and breaking down barriers to access to justice, especially to historically marginalized people.

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When appearing before the Senate Justice Commission, chaired by Morenoist Olga Sánchez Cordero, he stated that “this is the vision of justice that encourages me, not only to participate in this process, but also what has motivated my professional performance since that I entered the law school of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

In her presentation, the sister of the Secretary of the Interior Luisa María Alcalde, indicated that her career path led her to initially focus on criminal justice and as a litigator as well as a trainer for judges where she focused on “transmitting to them the commitment to a vision that is more sensitive to reality, always seeking to reduce enormous inequalities.”

He pointed out that although the Power of attorney has more than three thousand 500 jurisdictional units, a large part of Mexicans do not have the conditions to access justice.

Mayor Luján stated that the Supreme Court It has a transformative power “that influences not only the other jurisdictional bodies of the country, but also and above all the entire population. In this way it has a clear potential to contribute to a more inclusive society.”

He indicated that his decisions are fundamental to guarantee respect for the constitutionality of the laws and define the limits of federalism.

“Access to justice for the most vulnerable requires a more formalistic vision, the complexity of the judicial processes In our country it is very exclusive, since it makes it incomprehensible to the majority and requires lawyers to whom not all people have access,” he highlighted.

He mentioned that “the simplification of justice must also be addressed at the federal level, mainly with respect to the amparo trial, which is the most important legal instrument we have to guarantee human rights and defend ourselves from the abuse of power.”

The SCJN ministerial candidate explained that the fact that this judgment is so technical and specialized and requires specialists with influence and generally with very high fees, which leaves millions of people outside of its protection.

He expressed that oral systems have increased the capacity of the authority to communicate simply in legal languageso we must continue to insist on the need for judges to be truly communicators, and for extensive and complex sentences that contain technicalities to be clearer for the people in court.

Prior to the appearance of Bertha María Alcalde Luján, current legal advisor of the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris), the opposition senators strongly questioned her little experience in the judicial fieldas well as the political preference he has from Morena and the president.

They expressed the illegality of the three women proposed by the president to occupy the position of minister of the SCJN, since they have a position that The law prohibits them from participating in this selectionso they asked the Executive to reconsider the proposal.

Germán Martínez, the first to speak before the start of the appearance, stated that the president should have sent a shortlist to the Senate of candidates to fill the ministerial vacancy and not just a couple of them.

He asked to check if there was a shortlist every time he saw a duet, because Maria Estela Ríos González does not meet the requirementsbecause she is a subordinate of the Executive Branch and is a secretary of State, as established by the Organic Law of Public Administration, as is the legal counsel of the presidency, since she is treated as a secretary of State.

For his part, Damián Zepeda, senator of the PAN, agreed with Senator Germán Martínez, and reiterated that María Estela Ríos does not comply with the requirements established by the law, which is why he stated that giving her the procedure in the Senate is failing to comply with the law. in this case The president’s shortlist should not be accepted.

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The PRI senator, Claudia Anaya reinforced what was said by both senators and considered it illegal to proceed with the appearance knowing that Estela Ríos does not meet the requirements for the appearance.

After voting on the agenda, the appearance of the candidates proposed by the federal executive to occupy the position of minister of the SCJN began.

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