James Webb reveals twin of the Milky Way: this is the Ceers-2112 galaxy – El Sol de México

The James Webb Telescope It represents the most advanced technology and just last Wednesday it revealed what would be one of the most important discoveries, it is a twin galaxy. almost twin, Milky Way.

The discovery is so important since it will help rethink the view on the formation of galaxies and how the Milky Way has been transformed over millions of years.

The galaxy was named Ceers-2112 by the publication Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey which functions as a survey of the universe carried out by the James Webb Telescope.

The twin sister of the Milky Way

The team of Astrobiology Center (CAB) of Spain, led by Luca Constantin, made one of the most important discoveries of the century, it is the twin sister of the Milky Way.

It was in 2021, when Constantine He was classifying galaxies while he observed one that seemed very particular to him since it was extremely similar to our galaxy, although on the other side of space, Ceers-2112looks exactly the same as the Milky Way.

The study published in the Nature magazine realized the dimensions of Cheers-2112; It contains a stellar mass ten times less than the Milky Waythat is to say 3.9 billion times the mass of the Sun.

It is located at a distance of 11.7 billion years and it is estimated that the vision that comes to us from Ceers-2112 It is from when the universe was in its infancy, since scientists estimate that our universe is at least 13,800 million years.

The capture was possible thanks to the James Webb’s NIRCam designed specifically for very distant stellar objects.

“The Milky Way She can have an infinite number of twins, and we observe each one at a different age of the universe. With the twins we would like to make a history of the evolution of the Milky Way“, he points out Pablo G. Pérez González, another author of the study.

On the one hand, the discovery shows that there were already galaxies similar to the Milky Way when the universe was still very young.

Likewise, it has rethought everything we do not know about the universe and astronomers believe that the 85 percent Of all the matter in the universe is dark matter, a mysterious substance that is difficult to reach for telescopic observations because it does not interact at all with light and the other 15 percent is detectable.

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“Contrary to what was expected, this discovery reveals that galaxies similar to the one already existed. Milky Way 11.7 billion years ago, when the universe was only 15 percent of its current age,” he explained. Luca Costantin.

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