Javier Parisi covers the musical life of John Lennon – El Sol de México

Javier Parisi is clear that music that left John Lennon It is forever, which is why for more than a decade he has been faithfully interpreting it, also emulating the songsthe personality of singer-songwriter English. He tells in an interview with Sun of Mexico who discovered the Beatles at the age of eight and from that moment he knew that his relationship with Lennon and the Liverpool Quartet would be something special in his life.

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“I was caught by his music like I was living in the 60’s. I fell in love with the BeatlesI heard them for the first time at home, on a television, from that moment on I asked my mother to study guitar. Then at 18 I formed my first Beatles tribute band,” said the native of Lanús, Argentina.

He singer arrives in Mexico City to present the show J.ohn Lennon Live, which has toured countries such as the Philippines, Finland, Sweden, England, Spain and most of South America. “I really want to be in Mexico because they are very Beatlemaniacal, the public is very intense, very warm,” she said.

“It’s a show where it’s like John tells his story musical In the different stages, the beatlemania, psychedelia and also the solo era, but it’s not in chronological order, so people don’t know what the next song is. Touch the emotional moments of Lennon where people go to meet classics and songs which unfortunately could not play live.”

Javier Parisi assured that the concert is dedicated to the old fans of John LennonHowever, it also represents an opportunity to delve into his legacy for the first time, especially the new generations, in which he sees himself reflected.

“It is what comforts me, being that channel for young people to find their music It is very cute. Also very young children go to the concerts with their parents, I have had children dressed in costumes go to the concerts. album Sgt. Pepper’s. When I achieve that, my work is already done,” he commented.

The process of personifying John Lennon It has been difficult, since the work that Parisi performs has not only remained in the physical resemblance, but also involves acting, vocal register and makeup. “What has taken me the most time is the body language, his movements, it helped me a lot to be living with John’s relatives in England,” she said.

In 2018 Javier Parisi had his first acquaintance with the Lennon family, when he bought a cap from Helen Anderson, designer and friend of John. On the garment came a note asking the customer to take a photo wearing it and show it to them. After Parisi did it, the designer was so surprised that she shared it with Julian Lennon.

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“He said he couldn’t believe I looked so much like his father, he saw it as an artistic fact,” Parisi explained. From that moment a friendship was formed that lasts to this day.

John Lennon Live will arrive in Mexico City on November 10 in the Ollin Yoliztli Cultural Center and a day later in the Theater Centennial of Tlalnepantla, both concerts will take place at 8:30 p.m.

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