Jennifer Hermoso reiterates before the judge that Rubiales’ kiss was not consensual – El Sol de México

The world champion Jenni Hermoso reiterated on Tuesday before a judge that the forced kiss he received from the then president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubialeswas not “at any time condoned” and that he later suffered pressure to come to his defense.

The international, who has just signed for the Mexican club Women’s Tigersarrived shortly before 10:00 (09:00 GMT) at the National Court, in Madrid, with a long gray coat. Smiling, she made a brief gesture of greeting to the press gathered in front of the building.

Initially scheduled for November 28, the long-awaited declaration of Beautifulwho denounced Rubiales in September for the forced kiss he gave her after the victory of Spain in the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in August, it was delayed due to scheduling issues.

“Everything is now in the hands of justice and that’s as far as I can say,” the player told the press as she left the court.

Before the judge investigating the case, Beautiful He reiterated that the kiss was “unexpected” and “at no time consensual,” according to judicial sources.

The player also indicated that she suffered “constant harassment” from Rubiales and her surroundings in the days that followed, which “altered her normal life, causing her to feel uneasy and sad,” according to the same source.

Judge Francisco de Jorge opened an investigation in September against Rubiales for the alleged crimes of “sexual assault” and “coercion”also due to the alleged pressures Beautiful and his or her environment.

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Shortly after, the magistrate summoned the former leader to testify as under investigation and imposed a prohibition on him from approaching less than 200 meters from the player as a precautionary measure.

Three other people – among them the former women’s Red team coach, Jorge Vilda-, they are also being investigated for the alleged pressures.

After a recent reform of the Spanish Penal Code, A non-consensual kiss can be considered sexual assault, a criminal category that encompasses all types of sexual violence. According to sources from the Prosecutor’s Officethe penalties to which Rubiales could be exposed range from a fine to four years in prison.

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