Jorge Álvarez Máynez closes his pre-campaign in Nuevo Léon – El Sol de México

Jorge Álvarez Máynez, candidate of the Citizen Movement (MC) for the Presidency of the Republic, promised in Monterrey, Nuevo León, that in three months he will turn the race around and that he will get rid of the old politics for a Mexico with justice.

During his pre-campaign closing, the Emecista said that the old politics does not know the new generations, those who are not going to settle for the Mexico of today, those who will not accept that we return to the Mexico of the past of the politicians who failed.

“We want a Mexico with justice, it is enough that women and children cannot go out except in fear due to insecurity. Enough of this hell,” said Álvarez Máynez.

In the square behind the state Government Palace, the candidate pointed out that Mexico deserves to be a country with justice.

“No matter what it takes, we are going to take the country out of the hands of criminals. In Mexico there will be no land rights and we are not going to normalize missing women, we are going to locate them and we will make the criminals feel hell in life.” “, said.

The MC candidate praised Nuevo León and Jalisco for their growth and their sources of employment, and assured that this is how the country will be.

“I resign myself to living in a Mexico where our children breathe poison. The Cadereyta refinery’s days are numbered; “Our children should not breathe poison, they also deserve water and Mexico will have it.”

Álvarez Máynez also called the opponents miserable from the old politics and praised Mariana Rodríguez, whom he described as the most prominent political figure of the new generation, who, he said, will be the next mayor of Monterrey.

After criticizing the leaders of the PAN and the PRI, the MC standard bearer assured that in three months of campaigning he will turn the presidential race around.

At least 40 buses were parked in the surrounding areas where the Citizen Movement supporters arrived.

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The candidate was attended by Dante Delgado, national leader of the Citizen Movement; of Mariana Rodríguez, pre-candidate for mayor of Monterrey, and of Governor Samuel García, who was not in the presidium.

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