Journalist Arcadio Sánchez is attacked in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua – El Sol de México

During Saturday afternoon, a complaint arose about a aggression against the journalist Arcadio Sánchez Rodríguezwho, according to the victim, was beaten by two subjects in recent days.

According to what was stated on their social networks, Arcadio, was attacked days after having published a work about the Welfare Delegate in the Nuevo Casas Grandes region, for which he was severely beaten and also shared an image of the injuries that had been caused to him.

The affected one like Arcadio’s companions, they point to Delegate Mario Saldaña Rodríguezfor having generated the attack against the journalist.

Given these facts, the State Attorney General’s OfficeHe reported that Arcadio Sánchez Rodríguez went before the Northwest District Prosecutor’s Office, where he filed a complaint for injuries against whoever is responsible.

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Investigation into attacks against Arcadio Sánchez was turned over to the FGR

In his statementstated that on December 8, between 8 and 9 p.m.was beaten by two men and subsequently went home; however, he later went to the Comprehensive Community Hospital to be treated.

The prosecutor’s medical examiner assessed the injuries, mainly on the face, determining that they did not take more than 15 days to heal and They do not leave medical-legal consequences, However, specialized medical studies were requested to rule out other types of injuries.

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The State Attorney General’s Officeassured that because the complainant presented himself as a journalist and writer, the investigation folder was turned over to the General Prosecutor of the Republicso that through the Special Prosecutor’s Office for the Attention of Crimes committed against the Freedom of expressionthe corresponding investigations are carried out.

Published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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