Judge denies house arrest to Murillo Karam – El Sol de México

a federal judge denied change the precautionary measure justified preventive detention to the former Attorney General of the Republic, Jesus Murillo Karam, for him second processor against him related to the disappearance of the 43 normalistas from Ayotzinapa in 2014.

On November 11, Judge Juan José Hernández, based in the South Prison, determined maintain preventive detention as a precautionary measure against the former official, since there was the risk of escape. Given this, his defense requested a definitive suspensionin order to achieve the house arrest for your client.

However, today Judge Rubén Darío Noguera, head of the Eighth District Court of Amparo in Criminal Matters in Mexico City, determined that it was issued last month for the crimes of torture, forced disappearance and coalition of public servants against Felipe Rodríguez Salgado, “El Cepillo”alleged member of the criminal group of United Warriors.

Murillo Karam was arrested in August outside his house and admitted to the North prison. However, has had to leave on several occasions to receive medical attentionsince he suffers from high blood pressure, cerebral vascular insufficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Since June 30, he has been admitted to the Tepepan Medical Tower.in the Xochimilco mayor’s office, but Once he recovers he will have to return to the North prison.

The first criminal proceedings against him were initiated by the crimes of forced disappearance, torture and against the administration of justice for the Ayotzinapa case. But at the beginning of November, a control judge at the North prison granted house arrest in that case.

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