The reform of the judiciary It is necessary in Mexico, because there is a lot of corruption at the federal and state level, he said. Marcelo Ebrardnext Secretary of Economy.
During his participation in the 150th anniversary of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco) of Mexico CityThe official denied the claims of analysts and the private sector that the discussion of the reform of the Judicial Branch is generating the cancellation of investments.
“I think we need to have a little common sense. If you make an objective analysis, the corruption we have is significant,” said Ebrard.
He said the fears expressed by the private sector are being influenced by analysts whose ideological lines align with the opposition.
Ebrard mentioned that this handling The international business sectors are only informed by the lack of first-hand data and are only guided by the opinions of these analysts.
According to the former foreign minister, this has generated a distorted perception of the country’s economic reality, which could have repercussions on the decision-making of the foreign investors.
Read more: US Senators Express Concern Over Judicial Reform in Mexico
Ebrard added that the president of the United States himself, Joe Bidenwrote an article in which he claims that there is an “ethical crisis” in the Supreme Court American and its “position is more drastic than the reform initiative of Mexico”.
The next Secretary of the Economy stressed that “there are legitimate concerns that we will have to listen to and there will be political positions… with which we will not agree.”
“There is 70 percent of the concern (about the reform) is that they do not know how it will be implemented and the remaining 30 percent do not want the reform to be changed. status quoso we will work to clarify the legitimate questions surrounding this constitutional initiative,” he added.
Yesterday, the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur) He said that more than 50 percent of business leaders support the reform of the Judicial Branch because there is too much corruption in the courts.