L1 users double their travel time in RTP units – El Sol de México

Users of the Line 1 Metro they doubled their time of journey of Waterfall to Observatory when using the Passenger Transport Network (RTP) which offers provisional service on that stretch, which closes today for remodeling.

The Mobility Secretariat deployed 180 RTP units to mobilize users during the closure with four circuits, ranging from the station Isabel la Católica to Observatory; of Isabel la Católica to Chapultepec; from Isabel the Catholic to Tacubaya; and of Balderas to Tacubaya.

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Users now make more time to their destinations, because Waterfall to Observatory A user takes around 25 minutes on the Metro, while in Transportation Network units it takes approximately 47 minutes, as El Sol de México corroborated in a tour.

Carlos Díaz, who lives in the Iztapalapa mayor’s office and works as a security guard near the Sevilla station, commented that he increased his travel time by 30 minutes in transport units. RTPso now it’s been two and a half hours.

“At this time, after 8:00 a.m., the trucks are already full. Yes, the closure of this section of the line affects me and then they are also going to close Line 9. I come from Iztapalapa and it does take longer,” said Carlos, who boarded an RTP unit at the station. Waterfall.

Passengers also face long lines and difficulty boarding a unit at the station. Waterfall. To get into an empty truck, a person waits about six minutes, since they are full from Isabella the Catholicso they only fit standing up and tight.

In Salto del Agua they bring together up to 40 people in less than two minutes one unit to arrive, while in Balderas there are less than 10 waiting. The unit takes around eight minutes to go from one station to another, a distance of only 650 metres.

Traffic is more intense for a hydraulic work in the area and the track material installed in sections of Chapultepec Avenue, which reduces the road to two lanes.

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After From the Balderas station, traffic is released until reaching Chapultepec, at the height of Salamanca Street, where track material is again on the avenue and the lanes are reduced to two. Until station Chapultepecthe unit takes approximately 26 minutes.

The stations that will be closedfrom this Thursday at 11:00 p.m. are: Balderas, Cuauhtémoc, Insurgentes, Sevilla, Chapultepec, Juanacatlán, Tacubaya and the Observatorio terminal.

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