“La Kena 19” arrested in luxurious shopping center in Monterrey – El Sol de México

The authorities of Tamaulipas confirmed the detention of José Alberto “N” alias “La Kena”, “Kena 19” or “Comandante XIX”, considered aim priority being pointed out as leader of a criminal group on the Tamaulipas border.

The capture It took place in a luxurious center commercial Of the municipality of Saint Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León.

Elements of the Force Civilof the State Investigation Agency (AEI) and authorities federalthey achieved the detention in the aforementioned municipality of the neighboring state, reported the Tamaulipas Security Spokesperson.

The Kena was a priority objective in Tamaulipas

The Tamaulipas authorities indicated that The Kena was a priority objective and one of the main generators of violence in the northeast of the country.

He detailed that the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Tamaulipas (FGJT) issued a search tab and the capture It was achieved thanks to the coordinated inter-institutional work between both states.

As of April 11, 2022, the FGJT issued a reward for this alleged leader criminalBy a sum of 2.5 million pesosby whom would contribute information useful, truthful and timely that will contribute to the location and detention of José Alberto “N”.

After the arrest, the man was transferred at facilities of the authorities correspondingwhere was made available of the same for the different crimes of the one pointed out to him, waiting for the Tamaulipas Prosecutor’s Office execute the orders of apprehension current.

The arrest of “Kena 19” occurs in the middle of the rescues of people deprived of their liberty in the Tamaulipas border. In less than 24 hours, the state and federal authorities had released to 36 citizens originating from Venezuela, Colombia and Honduras.

The last criminal leader arrested in San Pedro was “Z42”

He last criminal leader arrested in San Pedro Garza García It was November 16, 2015, when items federal captured to Omar “N” alias “Z42”, through an operation implemented during the early hours of that day.

During this Thursday afternoon authorities of Tamaulipas confirmed the detention of “La Kena 19” in San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León who is at the disposal of the authorities.

Originally published in The Sun of Tampico

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