Labor shortage slows reconstruction of Acapulco: CMI – El Sol de México

The shortage of workers in the construction sector continues to be the main challenge for the reactivation of Acapulco, said Carlos Francisco Sevilla, president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) in Warrior.

After participating in the presentation of the initiative Actions for the Economic Reactivation of Acapulcothe manager pointed out that the municipality needs 80 percent more workforce than they currently have to be able to advance in the reconstruction work.

“The main challenge is scarce labor. In recent months, we have needed workers come from other parts of the country, or even from the State, so that they can support, but it has been insufficient,” Sevilla told El Sol de México.

The manager highlighted that this year the reconstruction of hotels such as the Princess Imperial World, as well as the rehabilitation of drainage, streets and public lighting. Seville estimates that by the end of 2024 the reconstruction will be 80 percent complete.

In December, the CMIC estimated that the total reactivation of Acapulco It will take at least five years, and an investment of 15 billion dollars, since more than 90 percent of infrastructure was damaged after the passage of Hurricane Otis.

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