Luis Miguel will donate 10 million pesos to Acapulco to rebuild homes after Otis – El Sol de México

After just over three weeks of disaster that left the Hurricane Otis on the coasts of Warrior, Luis Miguel revealed that he will make a donation of 10 million pesos for the reconstruction of homes in Acapulco.

For its part, Fundación Banorte decided to double this donation to finally allocate the amount of 20 million pesos to the victims of this entity, as reported in a statement.

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“Luis Miguel will donate 10 million pesos and Fundación Banorte will double it to reach the amount of 20 million pesos destined for the reconstruction and housing equipment for the benefit of those affected in Acapulco“.

The singer received some criticism for his silence, because after the devastation in Acapulco, he was expected to quickly raise his hand in support of the people and the place where he lived for many years.

During the 90s, Luis Miguel moved to a huge property in the so-called Playa Bonfil. Later this area became Acapulco Diamond and various hotels were built around it.

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Although this mansion no longer belongs to the Sun of Mexico, It was there where he experienced many important things: parties, meetings with his family and the success that was building in Mexico and in other parts of the world.


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