Machado warns of “serious threat” against asylum seekers in Argentine Embassy – El Sol de México

The Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado warned on Saturday about the “serious threat” against the six opponents who have taken refuge in the residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, after the Government accused them of planning “terrorist activities”, for which reason it revoked the authorization it had granted to Brazil to protect the interests of the southern country, following the expulsion of the Argentine diplomats in August.

“The alleged and absurd accusations against them, as well as the unilateral decisions by the Venezuelan regime (…) represent a serious threat against them,” Machado said through X.

He also stated that “the principle of the inviolability of diplomatic missions” is “sacred” and “involves not only their physical spaces” but also “the dignity and integrity of the people present there.”

We alert the world about the consequences that violations of these rules could have for our country and the entire region. express.

He Venezuelan government revoked authorization to Brazil for the alleged planning of “terrorist activities” in the Argentine residence by the asylum-seeking opponents, whom he also accused of planning “assassination attempts” against President Nicolás Maduro and the executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez.

In response, Machado said that the six asylum seekers are “honourable people” who “have served the cause of democracy and freedom.”

He added that the government’s measure is also a “threat” against those who have “assumed the defense of democracy in Venezuela, and against the rights and interests of nations that have representation in other countries.”

Through a note, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil He indicated that he “will remain in charge of the custody and defense of Argentine interests until Argentina designates another State acceptable to” Maduro’s Executive, in order to carry out these functions.

Since Friday night, several of the refugee opposition members have claimed that police have surrounded and besieged the residence of the Argentine Embassy, ​​whose entrances remain “occupied” by police officers, Magalli Meda, a refugee, denounced on Saturday.

For his part, Pedro Urruchurtu, also a refugee, reported on Friday about the presence of agents from the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin).

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In addition to Urruchurtu and Meda, Claudia Macero, Communications Coordinator for the opposition party Vente Venezuela (VV), Humberto Villalobos, electoral coordinator for the VV Campaign Command, former deputy Omar González and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main anti-Chavez bloc, are also in asylum.

The six opposition members sought refuge last March after the Public Prosecutor’s Office accused them of several crimes, including conspiracy and treason.

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