Massacre in Salvatierra, Guanajuato, is a heinous crime: AMLO – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador rated the murder of 12 young people happened this weekend in a inn in SalvatierraGuanajuato, as a heinous crime and stressed that they are investigating the case.

“We still don’t have all the information, it’s up to government of Guanajuato and the state prosecutor’s office. It is very regrettable what happened, of course our sincere hugs to the relatives of the young people who lost their lives. It is a heinous crimethey were in an inn and they came to murder them, that is what is known so far, and here we are going to give more information.”

Likewise, he shared that “there are already some hypotheses,” but that they cannot yet be made known.

The president added that the government of Guanajuato has not requested support for the investigation, however, he said that it is the obligation of the federal government to provide special attention to this case.

I emphasize that several cases like this have occurred in Guanajuato and it is a problem, “I consider structural, fundamentally, something that was allowed to grow due to different circumstances, factors. It is one of the states with the highest drug consumption in the country“, said.

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He highlighted that this weekend there were 13 murderswhich has led him to propose that the prosecutor of the state of Guanajuato, who has been in office for 13 years, be changed.

He accused that the prosecutor has political strength and is supported by groups with a lot of influence.

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