MC presents amparos against the Territorial Planning Plan in CDMX – El Sol de México

legislators of Citizens Movement will file three appeals in administrative matters against the General Territorial Planning and General Development Plan (PGOT)which dictates land use for the capital in the next 20 years.

One of them will be presented by the local legislator, Royfid Torres González; the second for the Senator, Laura Ballesteros; and the third will be open to citizens of the capital.

“We lost six months to have this discussion: one month to turn it over to committees, two months for its methodology and 3 months in its supposed consultationthat no one knows and that they are against and, now next Thursday the deadline expires, without an opinion and with this risk of approving it by fictitious affirmative, so we resort to these protections because we cannot allow so many anomalies in a document of such relevance for the city,” he said. Royfid Torres González during Press conference.

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Since August 8, 2022, the Institute of Democratic and Prospective Planning (IPDP) held forums in the 16 mayor’s offices to collect proposals and explain to the capitalians the projects that will outline the future of the city; However, they were suspended after protests from original towns and neighborhoods For lack of information.

This December 8th expires the deadline for the commissions of Development and Urban Infrastructure and Planning rule on the PGOT for approval in the Full and put it to a vote.

“It is an instrument that has already had two attempts at approval and failed: the first of the former head of government, Claudia Sheibaumthe second for Martí Bátres upon taking possession and this occasion Congress “The opinion was seized to avoid its discussion, but now we must stop this process,” said Senator Laura Ballesteros.

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The deputy of Mexico City CongressRoyfid Torres González called to be able to discuss in these days that the remaining PGOT and PGD, since they had to be discussed separately, but today they want to approve them in one go and without any discussion.

“We want their construction processes to be respected, with the true opinions of experts and the citizens who oppose them. In Citizen movement We will always be against this evil action of the utility and that this process be opened for discussion in accordance with the law”, he concluded.

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