Meteor showers in 2024: NASA reports where and when they can be seen – El Sol de México

2024 has arrived and it has not done it alone, because according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, This year there will be constant meteor showers. For the same reason, here we tell you when this space phenomenon can be seen and in what regions of the world.

Also known as a meteor shower, NASA pays special attention to it in order to prevent accidents during manned space exploration. However, for those interested in space phenomena, it provides the dates and locations so that they do not miss any details.

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The POT wait until ten meteor showers for this 2024. Of those 10, four stand out due to their prominent predicted meteorite activity. For the same reason, these can be observed from Earth.

The meteor showers of 2024 that can be seen from Earth

1.- The Quadrantids: according to the POT, This meteor shower comes from an asteroid named 2003 EH1, previously it will coincide with Earth in the time period from January 1 to 16, 2024. With January 4, the day of greatest activity, up to 120 flashes are even expected per hour.

According to the space agency, this will be the second meteor shower of 2024 with the highest rate of visual meteors, that is, space objects that the Earth can observe. It will be highlighted that these will be visible at night throughout the northern hemisphere, so in Mexico it will be visible.

2.- Eta Aquarids: according to the POTthis meteor shower is released from the comet 1P Halley and its greatest activity is expected to be on May 5. It is worth mentioning that this rain can be observed hours before dawn in the northern and southern hemisphere, focusing on the constellation of Aquarius. The Meteoroid Environment Office reported that Eta Aquarids It will be the most important meteor shower of 2024.

The space agency detailed that although it is every 76 years that Comet 1P Halley orbits the Sun, from Earth it is possible to observe the passage of the debris it releases twice, when its trajectory coincides with the Earth.

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The POT explains that said comet upon returning to the inner Solar System, its nucleus throws a layer of ice and rock into space, which will become the Eta Aquarid meteor shower in May and the Orionid meteorites in October.

3.- Perseid Meteors: the POT explains that this meteor shower comes from the comet named 109P/Swift-Tuttle, its remains will coincide with the orbit of the Land. It is predicted that this August 12, 2024 will be the day of greatest activity for this phenomenon, since up to 80 meteorites are expected to be visible from the Land.

For lovers of observing celestial bodies, the observation point of this meteor shower will be the constellation of Perseus and can be seen in the northern hemisphere and in the middle latitudes of the southern hemisphere.

4.- The Geminids: according to the POT, this meteor shower comes from the asteroid named 3200 Phaeton. This spatial phenomenon can be seen from the Land on December 14, 2024 and can be seen without problems in the northern hemisphere, while in the southern hemisphere it can be observed to a lesser extent.

What are meteor showers?

In accordance with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), A meteorite is a space rock that enters the Earth’s atmosphere. Which, as it falls towards the Earth, the resistance or friction with the air heats it extremely. Resulting in a shooting star.

Obviously, the trail of light that is given off is not from the rock itself, but from the hot air that shines as the hot rock passes through the atmosphere. That said, when the Earth encounters many meteoroids at the same time, a meteor shower or meteor shower occurs.

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