Mexico and China agree to take the relationship “to a new level” – El Sol de México

SAN FRANCISCO. The presidents Xi Jinping and Andrés Manuel López Obrador They agreed to lead relations between China and Mexico “at a new level” during the first meeting of both leaders, where they agreed to combat the illegal trafficking of chemical precursors used to make fentanyl.

“I attach great importance to the development of binational relations and am willing to work with you to (…) take relations between the two countries to a new level,” said the Chinese president at the beginning of the meeting held at a hotel in the center San Francisco.

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Xi also congratulated López Obrador for the “path of progress and reforms” for which it has led Mexico since he took power five years ago, and gave his condolences for the tragedy in Guerrero, a region hit by the hurricane Otis.

“China attaches great importance to the request for Mexico to purchase supplies in response to the disaster, and the relevant authorities have urgently helped Mexico contact Chinese companies,” he said. Xi Jinping, according to the embassy of China in Mexico.

In this regard, the Secretary of Foreign Relations (SRE) indicated that China will provide 250 thousand units of basic goods for the affected people.

The leaders spoke behind closed doors for an hour on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), where they discussed their cooperation “on essential issues,” such as combating trafficking in chemical precursors of synthetic drugs.

The Mexican Foreign Minister, Alicia Barcenaindicated in the X network that Mexico and China “have 51 years of solid diplomatic relations and they cooperate on essential issues, such as combating trafficking in chemical precursors of synthetic drugs.”

“How to have better control of what comes out of Asia and what comes to Mexicobecause logically there is a line of fentanyl precursors that is legal that goes to anesthetic and cosmetic medications and the part that is not legal,” he said.

In a later statement, The Presidency of Mexico detailed that López Obrador highlighted “the need to exchange information and lessons learned in the fight against illicit trafficking of chemical precursors.” In addition, he “emphasized the importance of reaching an agreement to exchange information on shipments leaving Asia.”

López Obrador, who has denied that fentanyl is manufactured in his country, sent a letter last April to Xi asking you to cooperate the fight against this drugbut China then ignored it.

Mexican government sources stressed that “Mexico will seek to strengthen a dialogue mechanism with Beijingwhich has the potential to substantially increase cooperation and information sharing to combat drug trafficking. illicit substances and regulate its precursors institutionally.”

On Wednesday, during a meeting with US President Joe Biden, Xi agreed to take measures to cut off chemical supplies for the production of opioid synthetic. Given this agreement, the US affirmed that it is up to Mexico to strengthen its customs, invest in resources of the Attorney General’s Office and enforce the law within the country” to stop fentanyl trafficking.

The deputy secretary of the Department of State for Latin America, Brian Nichols, indicated that its southern neighbor must also investigate which are “the companies involved in the supply.” of these chemicals and how their “illicit financial networks” extend.

According to Washingtonthe Mexican cartels use chemical precursors from China to manufacture this opioidfifty times more powerful than heroin, and later sold illegally in the United States.

Invites you to Mexico

Lopez Obrador invited the Chinese president to Mexico to “learn about the priority projects of the #PlanSonora and the Interoceanic Corridor” of the Isthmus of Tehuantepecsaid the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

China is interested in expanding cooperation with Mexico in financeconstruction of infrastructure, electric vehicles and others emerging industries, said Chinese media citing Xi.

López Obrador, who usually avoids this type of international commitments, also met with the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The president said on the social network They addressed the immigration issue and “he expressed the trust of businessmen in his country to continue investing in Mexico and create jobs”.

He also had a meeting scheduled yesterday with the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida. and today you will meet The president of United Statesmain commercial partner of Mexico.

The APEC summit, that brings together 21 economies of the Asia-Pacific blocwith Colombia and India of observers, gained momentum in San Francisco on Wednesday with the extensive meeting between Xi and Bidenwhere the leaders of both superpowers agreed to restore their military communication and offered signs of calmer waters.

Against this backdrop, the summit of leaders began with the question of whether its members will be able to reach a consensus on a final declaration due to the divergences over the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and commercial issues.

The meeting aims to promote alliances, protect supply chains, debate the impact of artificial intelligence and establish a path towards economies that consider the climate crisis and the human factor.

Biden’s speech, in front of the leaders seated at a circular table, focused on the effects that the climate crisis has on the economy and stressed the importance of all countries joining forces to avoid extreme weather events, such as droughts or floods.

During the meetings of the APEC Yesterday, the Mexican president avoided the president of Peru, Dina Boluartewhom he describes as a “usurper” after taking power due to the coup against the former president Pedro Castillo in December of last year.

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López Obrador avoided crossing paths with Boluartedespite the fact that both had to be very close to each other during the official photo.

However, he did join in a hug with the Chilean leader, Gabriel Boricin the front row, and Lopez Obradorin the second, after finishing photographing.

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