Milei already has two of its officials defined – El Sol de México

The elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, confirmed this Monday the first two names of his future Government, which will consist of eight ministries and will take office on December 10.

For now, the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA, far-right) announced that the Ministry of Justice will be headed by criminal lawyer Mariano Cúneo Libarona and that his former candidate for governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Carolina Píparo, will be head of the Administration National Social Security (Anses).

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“We are integrating specialists from various spaces, but with the conviction of changing Argentina towards the ideas of freedom. The most talented are going to be inside, it does not matter where they come from, what matters is solving the problems of Argentines,” Milei said in statements to Radio Miter.

Cúneo Libarona is a defense lawyer who became a media sensation in the 1990s when he defended Diego Maradona’s former manager, Guillermo Cóppola, after 400 grams of cocaine were found in his home.

He also became relevant when he was detained for three months in the AMIA case, accused of aggravated coercion and cover-up for the alleged theft of a video from a judge’s office, when the lawyer represented two police officers accused of theft; However, the incident was declared null and void and everyone was acquitted.

He is also known for representing the powerful businessman Eduardo Eurkenián.

For her part, Píparo is a national representative and during the October general elections she finished third in the vote for the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires, for which Axel Kicillof was re-elected.

Píparo is a social worker and began her political career in the Secretariat of Victim Assistance and Gender Policies of La Plata, province of Buenos Aires.

As promised throughout his campaign, Milei’s Argentina will consist of the ministries of Economy, Foreign Affairs, Public Works, Security, Justice, Interior, Defense and Human Capital, which will unify those of Social Development, Health, Labor and Education.

This last ‘super’ Ministry, which will integrate four portfolios into one, will be carried out by Sandra Pettovello, a specialist in family policies on issues related to the health and development of children.

The president-elect has not yet confirmed names in key positions such as Foreign Affairs, although he has the elected representative Diana Mondino, or Economy, as a reference.

Milei did not rule out that officials of former president Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), along with dissident Peronists such as Florencio Randazzo -deputy and former Minister of the Interior- and former senator Miguel Ángel Pichetto may have a place in his Government due to the support received in the second round. electoral.

The leader of La Libertad Avanza defeated this Sunday with 55.69 percent of the votes the official candidate (Peronism), the current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who obtained 44.3 percent, to occupy the Presidency of Argentina.

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