Minister Pardo Rebolledo visits PJF workers outside the Senate – El Sol de México

The Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, visited the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation protesting outside the Senate of the Republic against judicial reform.

According to information from the Court’s official channel, Pardo Rebolledo attended the workers’ camp on Saturday night and showed his solidarity with the protests demanding that the judicial reform ruling not be approved in the Congress of the Union.

“You are not alone,” “you can see it, you can feel it, the Court is present,” and “that minister does represent me” were some of the slogans directed at Minister Pardo Rebolledo, who took some photos with workers, judges and magistrates present.

“You are not alone either,” responded the minister, who has repeatedly stated that judicial reform will not solve the problems that exist in the PJF.

Tomorrow, a mega-march against judicial reform is expected, led by judicial officials, which will depart from the Senate of the Republic towards the capital’s Zócalo at 4:00 p.m.

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