More than 60 associations sign agreement with PRD to defend democracy – El Sol de México

The “Ola Blanca Suma MX”, a citizen association that brings together 62 civil society organizationssigned a political collaboration agreement in order to defend the democracy in Mexico and “join efforts to stop the course of the current authoritarian government with dictatorial tendencies.”

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Verónica Juárez and Ciro Mayén, representatives of the organization and the leader of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Jesús Zambrano Grijalvaagreed to collaborate on strategies to defend democracy.

This agreement highlights “the joint participation in a political-electoral strategy, which allows contributing to the construction of a better, free and democratic society.” democratic institutions for everyone, which seeks to contribute to the change in the living conditions of Mexicans in the territory or abroad, cultivating dialogue and the construction of various strategies that contribute to the fulfillment of the objective, participating decisively and in an organized manner. , consolidating the bases of cooperation between both parties, joining efforts, material and human resources.”

Likewise, they agreed to “promote the recognition and safeguard of rights, as well as promote the political and democratic culture through the generation and dissemination of information about electoral and democracy issues.

“This, under the principles of objectivity, effectiveness, efficiency, economy and honesty, in order to optimize the operation and within the scope of its competence, with strict vigilance not to contravene the provisions of the legal provisions applicable in transparency, access to public information and data protection”says the signed document.

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Jesus Zambrano He described the signing of the agreement as of great value and celebrated the existence of “a new form of coexistence between parties and civil society that is inaugurating a new moment in the political life of the country.”

The leader of the PRD recalled that he is the main promoter of opening the parties to civil society, “so that we do not close ourselves as political parties, that we could embrace the candidacy of the Presidency of the Republic, which is repeatedly demanded of us.” civil society and various expressions,” he expressed.

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He reiterated that the agreements with the coalition were made with various difficulties, but “maturity and responsibility were imposed to continue with the coalition that will fight and win the presidency and the majority of governorships and positions in Congress. We will be in the best conditions to compete and have the majority, so we are going to stop them.”

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