Morena gives Guerrero money from PJ trusts that are frozen by judge – El Sol de México

The Morena bench in the Chamber of Deputies approved allocating the 15 billion pesos from the trusts of the Judicial Branch extinguished by Congress to the reconstruction of Acapulco, Guerrero, however, the money cannot be used due to the ruling of a judge that ordered to stop its transfer to the Treasury of the Federation while it resolves the substance of the protections presented.

After two days of discussion of the 3 thousand reserves to the Federation Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2024 and with the expectations of creating a fund of up to 27 billion pesos to address the ravages of Hurricane Otis in Guerrero, Morena and allies approved only a reserve to address the emergency.

“The resources that are returned to the Treasury of the Federation derived from the extinction of the trusts established by the Judicial Branch of the Federation, referred to in the decree by which a second paragraph is added to article 224 of the Organic Law of Power Judicial of the Federation, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on October 27, 2023, will be used to address the damage and disasters caused by the category 5 hurricane “Otis” in the State of Guerrero, in terms of what is foreseen in the Article 37 of the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law and other applicable provisions,” reads the article added by Morena.

The Morenoist deputy Marcos Rosendo Medina was the one who presented the modification proposal to the PEF, after the same Morenoist bench rejected the reservation of Marcelist deputies who proposed giving 15 percent of the oil surpluses to Guerrero, and asserted that the 61 billion of pesos announced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be allocated to the emergency and will come out of the 2023 Budget.

The legislator recognized the willingness of Minister Norma Piña, president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), to adhere to President López Obrador’s proposal so that the resources of the Power trusts are used for the benefit of reconstruction of Acapulco, as well as the parliamentary coordinators to instrumentalize the use of resources, and said that what was approved by Morena is “an act of state.”

Meanwhile, deputy Héctor Saúl Téllez accused that Morena’s proposal is irresponsible and false “because the resources of the trusts of the Judicial Branch of the Federation are controversial, there are two provisional suspensions and not a single peso of those trusts can be touched until that there is no final verdict.”

He added that the constitutional controversy that the opposition will present against the extinction of the trusts in the coming days will make it more complicated for the resources of the financial instruments to be used, and that the Supreme Court will be at the crossroads of deciding if there is any possibility of giving resources of the trusts for Acapulco and also fulfill the obligations with the employees of the Judicial Branch, whose benefits came from the resources of the trusts.

The PEF 2024 was approved with 266 in favor, 204 against and one abstention and was sent to the Federal Executive for publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

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