Morena rejects proposal from Marcelistas to give resources to Guerrero; They accuse Ignacio Mier of betrayal – El Sol de México

The bench of Morena rejected the proposal of the deputies related to Marcelo Ebrard to allocate the 15 percent of oil surpluses to the reconstruction of Acapulco, Guerreroa bag that could amount to 50 billion pesos.

Since the afternoon of November 8, the Marcelists They presumed that Ignacio Mier Velazco, bench coordinator Brunette, had guaranteed them that their proposal would be supported; However, when deputy Carol Antonio Altamirano finished presenting the reservation to create the fund for Guerrero was met with refusal of their party colleagues to support them.

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The rejection of his proposal caused Congresswoman Selene Ávila to thunder against the Morena legislators, whom she accused of betraying the people of Guerrero who lost everything with Hurricane Otis that hit the state on October 25.

“Let Guerrero know that from the Legislative Branch, Morena, the bench in which I have believed and participated, betrayed those who have been left with nothing, the dead, that they themselves stopped us, that the desire for social justice is a simulation and if it costs me the position, I gave it to them but never the dignity,” he said.

Deputy Carol Antonio accused that Ignacio deceived them and said that his action does not benefit the bench or the party.

“The fact of having made a commitment, not before one but before all of our colleagues, and then going back on it is called deception and we believe that this does not help our party at all, it does not help our parliamentary group and what we were looking for is not It was a personal benefit, a group benefit, what we were looking for was that in the face of tragedy the least we had to do was exercise our exclusive power to approve the budget in a dignified manner,” he said.

Faced with the marginalization of his bench, deputy Emmanuel Reyes Carmona, Ebrard’s main operator in San Lázaro, stated: “to this day we are in Morena, tomorrow we don’t know.”

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Meanwhile, deputy Erasmo Robledo, president of the Budget and Public Accounts Commission, assured that the resources for the reconstruction of Guerrero promised by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador are “more than enough” and that a significant percentage of these will come from the budget 2023.

He added that there was no commitment with the Marcelistas to approve their reservation and that at no time was it taken for granted.

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